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Author Topic: Past drug use  (Read 7607 times)

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Offline zingy

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Past drug use
« on: Jul 31, 2015, 09:10 »
Hello everyone,
Im currently 18 years old aspiring to get into the Navy Nuclear Program. I scored a 94 on my ASVAB too. When i was in high school i liked to try new things. I was young and dumb and quite honestly I am very ashamed of my past drug use. Every since the thought of joining the Navy popped into my head I quit my drug use. I made mistakes when I was in high school and i do not want those mistakes to cost me a chance at the program. All i want to do with my life right now is to be a Nuke. My past drug usage are the following: ecstasy( twice), Marijuana( more than 10), shrooms( 3 times), acid( 3 times), painkillers( twice). Now again that was my old life . I am so ashamed of it. I wish i could just erase that part of my life. Im a different person now. I want nothing to do with drugs. Now to the question. Will my past drug use eliminate me from getting into the Nuclear Power Program?

Offline Rennhack

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Re: Past drug use
« Reply #1 on: Jul 31, 2015, 10:46 »
Will my past drug use eliminate me from getting into the Nuclear Power Program?

« Last Edit: Aug 01, 2015, 02:38 by Rennhack »

Offline el batman

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Re: Past drug use
« Reply #2 on: Sep 01, 2015, 12:36 »
It will not 100% eliminate you from the program, however it will make things more difficult for you. You must ask yourself if: 1) Was I ever charged by the police and 2) Is there any record of drug use (either medical or recreational). If the answer to both of those is 'No' then you have a good chance of it never even bothering you. If you answered 'Yes' to either of those then you will want to speak to a recruiter to see if there are any waivers that can get you into the program.

Offline MMM

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Re: Past drug use
« Reply #3 on: Sep 01, 2015, 05:27 »
Realize that if you don't admit to it up front and someone finds out about your past drug use, you're is for a rapid transition out of the military, with a loss of a lot of money.

Offline Rennhack

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Re: Past drug use
« Reply #4 on: Sep 01, 2015, 06:40 »
It will not 100% eliminate you from the program, however it will make things more difficult for you. You must ask yourself if: 1) Was I ever charged by the police and 2) Is there any record of drug use (either medical or recreational). If the answer to both of those is 'No' then you have a good chance of it never even bothering you. If you answered 'Yes' to either of those then you will want to speak to a recruiter to see if there are any waivers that can get you into the program.

That implies that the person should lie about it.  They should not.

Offline HydroDave63

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Re: Past drug use
« Reply #5 on: Sep 01, 2015, 06:04 »
Hello everyone,
Im currently 18 years old aspiring to get into the Navy Nuclear Program. I scored a 94 on my ASVAB too. When i was in high school i liked to try new things. I was young and dumb and quite honestly I am very ashamed of my past drug use. Every since the thought of joining the Navy popped into my head I quit my drug use. I made mistakes when I was in high school and i do not want those mistakes to cost me a chance at the program. All i want to do with my life right now is to be a Nuke. My past drug usage are the following: ecstasy( twice), Marijuana( more than 10), shrooms( 3 times), acid( 3 times), painkillers( twice). Now again that was my old life . I am so ashamed of it. I wish i could just erase that part of my life. Im a different person now. I want nothing to do with drugs. Now to the question. Will my past drug use eliminate me from getting into the Nuclear Power Program?


Offline uptakeboy

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Re: Past drug use
« Reply #6 on: Sep 02, 2015, 06:49 »
If you have no criminal record, don't worry about it.  The ranks would be thinned severely if anyone who had gotten high as a kid got rejected. Just keep your mouth shut and good luck.

Offline Marlin

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Re: Past drug use
« Reply #7 on: Sep 02, 2015, 07:20 »
If you have no criminal record, don't worry about it.  The ranks would be thinned severely if anyone who had gotten high as a kid got rejected. Just keep your mouth shut and good luck.

If you mean do not volunteer information not asked for, yes. If you mean lie, bad advice.

« Last Edit: Sep 02, 2015, 07:41 by Marlin »


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Re: Past drug use
« Reply #8 on: Sep 02, 2015, 07:43 »
I would recommend being honest with the recruiter and having an idea of other rates you would like to apply for, as a back up.

If you cannot imagine yourself being in the Navy with a different job, I do not recommend joining. Simply put, doing this job is much more tolerable, and even satisfying, if you appreciate what it is accomplishing.

Good luck.


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