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Author Topic: Mobility for Nuclear Operators between Canada and the U.S.  (Read 12597 times)

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Offline Frigate67

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Hey everyone, I was just wondering if anyone knew if the nuclear stations in the U.S. typically hire Nuclear Operators from Canada or if they tend to stick with American applicants. I am a Canadian who is very interested in working as a NO, but I was't sure how much mobility there is in moving across North America once I finished the two years or so as a Nuclear Operator in Training at one of the Canadian stations. I would definitely have no issues working in Canada, but I was just curious about if the American stations would consider a Canadian NO for an opening as a non-licensed nuclear operator (I believe that the NLOs in the States are comparable to Canadian "Nuclear Operators" but if I'm wrong about that please correct me). Thanks.

Offline Higgs

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You would have a very good chance of getting hired.

"How feeble is the mindset to accept defenselessness. How unnatural. How cheap. How cowardly. How pathetic.” - Ted Nugent

Offline Frigate67

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Awesome, that's nice to hear. Thanks for answering.

Offline ddickey

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What about going the other way?

Offline Higgs

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What about going the other way?

I've heard the same thing.

There's no major barriers between US and Canadian nukes. Talking with the Canadians that I've met at INPO, we all pretty much run them the same way. The technology may be different, but the skill sets are the same.

"How feeble is the mindset to accept defenselessness. How unnatural. How cheap. How cowardly. How pathetic.” - Ted Nugent

Offline xobxdoc

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I've heard the same thing.

There's no major barriers between US and Canadian nukes. Talking with the Canadians that I've met at INPO, we all pretty much run them the same way. The technology may be different, but the skill sets are the same.

So they are just as miserable as we are? can someone peer-check my spelling please?

Offline Marlin

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So they are just as miserable as we are? can someone peer-check my spelling please?

Below the dialogue box you type your message in is the spell check button in the same line as the post button.

Offline xobxdoc

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Thanks, but that was my failed attempt at humor.

Offline GLW

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Thanks, but that was my failed attempt at humor.

not a total fail,...

and thank you for the coaching!!!!!  :P ;) :) 8)

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

Offline Marlin

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Thanks, but that was my failed attempt at humor.

My bad. :P

Not entirely a waste not everyone knows it's there or remembers to use it.

Offline lake234

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Re: Mobility for Nuclear Operators between Canada and the U.S.
« Reply #10 on: Feb 05, 2017, 11:59 »
Does anyone know if this type of movement is common or possible with any other countries? I was fortunate to be hired in Canada as a Nuclear Operator, but I'm curious if anyone has experience with taking a contract position or something similar in other countries. I'd love to spend some time working in Europe or South Africa for example.


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