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Author Topic: EM A school to power school  (Read 4440 times)

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Offline gaami

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EM A school to power school
« on: Sep 10, 2015, 11:14 »
Hello, I have a question regarding something I read somewhere online. I originally wanted to go in as nuke but I missed the score by 18 points and the NFQT by 10 points. Didn't study much, this I regret. I also am going in with a waiver for a sealed record for marijuana possession. This also disqualified me for nuke. The question I have is this. I read somewhere that if you do exceptionally well at EM A school or C, and you let someone know that you are interested in nuke. If there is a slot open in power school, you might have a shot. Does anyone have information regarding this? Any information regarding to this would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks. I am currently in DEP leaving on Dec 8th. Rate EM conventional.


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Re: EM A school to power school
« Reply #1 on: Sep 10, 2015, 01:41 »
MilPersMan 1306-502.

Academic performance at A school is only one of the prereqs. Given your waiver for drug possession, and blaming your low test scores on lack of studying, I'd be surprised if your change of command would would bother routing your request. That's my opinion. I never met a fleet-input to the program while I was in. Others here may have experience with 502 inputs.



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Re: EM A school to power school
« Reply #2 on: Sep 10, 2015, 02:13 »
Here is what Druid posted about.

Which goes along with this

I retired in 2011.  During my 20 years, I met 2 people who had been enlisted non-nuke rates.  One was an MM2 who made the conversion.  Another was an AB2 (Aviation Boatswain Mate Second Class) who converted.  The MM2 made Chief and is still on Active Duty, the AB2 retired several years back as an MM Master Chief.

Honestly speaking, your academics and your drug possession are not going to help you and they wont go away.  Chances are if they disqualified you before, they will again.  Your only hope is to be so super-sailor as a conventional EM that you could overcome those points.

Best of luck and thank you for volunteering to serve.

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Re: EM A school to power school
« Reply #3 on: Sep 10, 2015, 03:22 »

...I never met a fleet-input to the program while I was in. Others here may have experience with 502 inputs.

Hey! Be nice!!!

I was conventional MM that went nuke after "A" school and ordered to the DD,...

Didn't have the waivers though,...

And things were different 34 years ago,...

actually, things were a LOT different,.... :P :P :P heheheheheh,....

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

Offline Arxos

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Re: EM A school to power school
« Reply #4 on: Sep 12, 2015, 10:47 »
I'm at NNPTC right now, and a few months ago, a nav ET 2nd class graduated power school, and there's currently a former Seabee here as well.


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