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Author Topic: I need some advice on what to do about joining the Navy.  (Read 6543 times)

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Offline lejewett

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So the long and short of what I want to do is to become an astronaut. Preferably/specifically a mission specialist (not a pilot) of some kind for a future mission some 10-15 years from now. It's my ultimate, long term career goal, and I'd been considering military service as a way to take steps in that direction. I will say that my background is less than ideal but I'm not interested in being told it cannot be done. I will make my own damn company or private fortune to launch me into space if I have to. But here's some goals I'm looking at for a stint in the military:

primary goals:
- opportunity for a fresh start
- personal growth and discipline to better meet my potential
- graduate level education in engineering (or possibly natural science) plus the applied experience with that education as part of my service.
- rigorous and difficult program to set myself apart in and exemplify my skillls
- vastly expanding/rounding out my skillset and experience
- the military service, experience, and connections itself

secondary goals:
- experience in aviation/space
- R&D/research experience
- learning Russian as a second language
- earning SCUBA quals
- gaining my pilots license
- command/leadership experience

That said, where I'm coming from now is not the greatest and may require several waivers.

- I'm 25 and 6mos old
- I have an arrest from 5 years ago for a misdemeanor assault on my record
- I have a B.S. in Mathematics with a minor in Computer Science (graduated 2014), but my GPA was not good. Maj ~ 3.0, Cum ~ 2.0
- Admitted drug experimentation in the past that was enough to disqualify me from service in the Air Force, which as I understand it is more stringent about that stuff.

Originally I'd considered the enlisted nuke program as my strongest option, assuming I can make it in, but after reading this forum for a while I'm thinking that doesn't align with my goals as much as I'd initially hoped. NUPOC, maybe? I don't feel like I know enough about everything to make a decision and was hoping for some insight or advice from people that have experience being in the Navy and any options that I have available.

Offline Arxos

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Re: I need some advice on what to do about joining the Navy.
« Reply #1 on: Sep 27, 2015, 12:31 »
You have a bachelors already, so you're not eligible for the NUPOC program. Your best bet is OCS, but your odds are pretty bad with that GPA.

Offline spekkio

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Re: I need some advice on what to do about joining the Navy.
« Reply #2 on: Sep 27, 2015, 12:43 »
Your best bet is to look into Engineering Duty Officer. It is the only way to fulfill your primary goals of technical graduate education and actually putting it to use while in the Navy. However, I'm not sure if you meet the minimum GPA requirement. The assault may or may not be a show-stopper depending on the recruiting environment at the time, ditto for drug use IF it's experimental use of marijuana...anything more than that and you should look elsewhere for employment.

Enlisting as a nuke is a 6 year detour that will not get you any closer to your end goals, nor will it erase your past misgivings. You're going to have to come to terms with that.
« Last Edit: Sep 27, 2015, 12:48 by spekkio »

Offline spekkio

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Re: I need some advice on what to do about joining the Navy.
« Reply #3 on: Sep 27, 2015, 12:46 »
You have a bachelors already, so you're not eligible for the NUPOC program. Your best bet is OCS, but your odds are pretty bad with that GPA.
That's not true. The only way to apply for SWO(nuke) or subs without going USNA or NROTC is through NUPOC. You just get 1-2 months of benefits until you ship to OCS when you apply post graduate instead of 1-2 years when you apply as an undergrad.
« Last Edit: Sep 27, 2015, 12:46 by spekkio »

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Re: I need some advice on what to do about joining the Navy.
« Reply #4 on: Sep 28, 2015, 10:06 »
Advice: Don't join while you still can.

Reasons for this?  Seriously, this person is asking for advice.  The least that you could do is give some pertinent backup to your statement. 
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Offline MMM

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Re: I need some advice on what to do about joining the Navy.
« Reply #5 on: Sep 29, 2015, 05:31 »
Based on your goals, you'd be able to meet most of the primary goals as either enlisted or officer, but you'll have to find time to do it yourself. You won't get experience as an engineer in the navy. You'll be able to meet a couple of your secondary goals, but it's on you to do it, the navy won't pay for it unless it's part of your job.

That being said, based on your GPA, your chances of being selected for an officer program is pretty slim at best.

Offline Tylor

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Re: I need some advice on what to do about joining the Navy.
« Reply #6 on: Oct 01, 2015, 11:39 »
I'm not sure why exactly you're interested in being an astronaut, but if you like being around high tech machinery, doing something exciting not many people get to do, while being deprived of sunlight and cut off from the rest of the world for weeks or months at a time, then the submarine force might be just the thing for you. :P Also submariners get the chance at doing diver qualifications. I'd talk to a navy recruiter about your options though.
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