kid you got way too many irons in the fire,...
you want to be sub officer but are considering the Coast Guard,...
you want to be sure if you go nuke there will be nukes to work at when you are back to being a civilian,...
the Navy nuke program will define you as trainable,...
a college degree will define you as educatable,...
a Navy (or Coast Guard) officer program will define you as able to organize, cooperate and lead within a structured format,...
your ability to finish all of the above will define you as a person who will most likely yield a good return on any investment,...
regardless of what you choose I will bet you 100 dollars here and now that if you come out of the USN or USCG in 6 to 7 years from now there will be fewer commercial nuclear power plants putting electrons through this nation's grid than there are today,...
FYI - there are 99 nukes on the grid today,...
in 6 to 7 years,...maybe 96,....maybe, most likely fewer,....
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