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Offline spekkio

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Re: Need some advice
« Reply #25 on: Oct 30, 2015, 04:15 »
EDO does not direct commission.  They want you to be warfare qualified prior to joining the community.  There are direct commission billets that are called EDO option.  This allows you to be pre-selected, once warfare qualified as a SWO, or after DH ride as a submariner, you lateral transfer without board action. 


All true and what I meant by apply directly. They also have a similar process with IW/IP. You get a SWO pin and lat xfer immediately. Either way going submarines first is not the best way to get there.

Offline chemEnuke

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Re: Need some advice
« Reply #26 on: Oct 30, 2015, 07:41 »
First you have a 3.0, but then a 2.96, then you ask if naming your university would help any, then you come out and say you didn't even break 1k on your SATs. Isn't the lowest score on each section like 300? Navy Nuke is most likely only taking cream of the crop.

So you found out your LT recruiter makes 85k? How long has he been an LT? Did you care to ask what an Ensign would make? It takes 4 years to make LT. I've been at my plant for just under 4 years and almost hit the 85k mark my second year, all without going underway or moving.

If you REAAALLLY want that leadership education and experience and genuinely have the desire to serve the country, then continue looking at the armed forces, but realize you probably won't end up in a nuke billet. If you want a nuke career, stay on track with school and try to convert your internship into a job offer. Leadership is a skill you can develop outside the military.

Thank you for your input, but i estimated my gpa to 3.0 but it is relatively near a 2.96 and i did not ask if naming my university is important. If you see the comment before that, he asked why i was keeping my university a secret because in my post i stated "I go to a accredited university".

ALSO i do know how much a O-1 ensign makes before any other rank because of the research i did and i asked him personally. I plan on finishing my school before anything else. On my SATs i got a 540 and 450, so yeah that is not on the 300 level. I came out with the SATs after i got declined with the pre screen because i did not think the NAVY still cares about my SATs while im almost done with college. Is there any more assumptions you will like to jump on and question me for?

I appreciate you sharing personal experience, i am also looking at my options from college to industry as well so that is not out of the picture. I just will take my SATs again soon and see how i score on them again. 
« Last Edit: Oct 30, 2015, 07:44 by chemEnuke »

Offline GLW

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Re: Need some advice
« Reply #27 on: Oct 30, 2015, 08:29 »
..........Leadership is a skill you can develop outside the military.

not true,...

management is a skill,...

leadership is innate,...

we settled this years ago,...,26372.0.html


been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

Offline Marlin

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« Last Edit: Oct 30, 2015, 09:02 by Marlin »

Offline spekkio

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Re: Need some advice
« Reply #29 on: Oct 30, 2015, 11:07 »
You're not doing a great job of listening to the advice given to you.

If your GPA stays at 3.0 then re-taking the SATs isn't going to make a lick of difference - you won't get into either the NUPOC or SWO/EDO program.


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