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Offline Russo

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SRO Cert question
« on: Oct 22, 2015, 12:40 »
I have no doubt that this will put me on blast from some of the seasoned operators on the forum (and I mean that with the utmost respect). I currently got hired right out of the Navy to an Ops Instructor position. Yes, you read that right. I will be in the next SRO class to get my SRO cert. Now, being that I am 28 and have no intention of staying in training for the next 30 years (no offense to anyone in training, but it’s not my long-term career goals). Is there anyway in the future to basically apply my cert towards a license? I know that I am missing a portion of the license class that the cert doesn’t cover, and I am in no way implying that I will skip anything, but would they put me in another class down the line from the beginning? Or would they put me in during the class, somewhere in the middle? Also, is there another career path I could be looking down, since I am in training now?

The back story is I wanted to be an operator, but training found out I had a training background in the Navy and sucked me up. I’m hoping that (and this is from one of the plant managers) that if I do well in the class, they will just transfer me over to Ops to continue the class to get my license and all will be well, instead of getting my cert.


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Re: SRO Cert question
« Reply #1 on: Oct 22, 2015, 01:14 »
From what I've gathered from folks at other utilities, the content of an SRO Cert course will vary from utility to utility.

Here, V. C. Summer Units 2/3, our SROC course consists of the exact same lectures as our Initial Licensed Operator course.  The difference is the amount of simulator time and I believe the portions on management/leadership are not a part of SROC.

In all likelihood, if you are chosen for a License class you will simply start with the others in the class.  You'll have the plus of having seen the lecture material before, while those who are in the class from the NLO side will have actual plant experience on their side.

Hopefully this helps some.

Thank you for your service and best of luck on this side of life!

Offline GLW

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Re: SRO Cert question
« Reply #2 on: Oct 22, 2015, 04:39 »

....The back story is I wanted to be an operator, but training found out I had a training background in the Navy and sucked me up. I’m hoping that (and this is from one of the plant managers) that if I do well in the class, they will just transfer me over to Ops to continue the class to get my license and all will be well, instead of getting my cert.

look man, let's be real here, training did not "suck" you up,...

you own your career destiny; you were offered training, you chose training, and now it's like "Eh, I really prefer ops.",...

you want to be in ops?!?!?

then run with it,...

worse case is they lied to you, or, things change(d) and they cannot deliver,...

c'mon, you're an ex-Navy nuke, act like one, you're gonna get paid, and paid well, to go to school; "Thank you very much sir, I'll see you on graduation day!",....

after that it's needs of the utility,...

at least you don't have to wait until EAOS if it doesn't suit you,...


you didn't sign one of those "payback" agreements did you?!?!?!?

please reassure me you learned that much coming out of the canoe club,... :P ;) :) 8)

« Last Edit: Oct 22, 2015, 04:41 by GLW »

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

Offline Higgs

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Re: SRO Cert question
« Reply #3 on: Oct 22, 2015, 07:37 »
I have no doubt that this will put me on blast from some of the seasoned operators on the forum (and I mean that with the utmost respect). I currently got hired right out of the Navy to an Ops Instructor position. Yes, you read that right. I will be in the next SRO class to get my SRO cert. Now, being that I am 28 and have no intention of staying in training for the next 30 years (no offense to anyone in training, but it’s not my long-term career goals). Is there anyway in the future to basically apply my cert towards a license? I know that I am missing a portion of the license class that the cert doesn’t cover, and I am in no way implying that I will skip anything, but would they put me in another class down the line from the beginning? Or would they put me in during the class, somewhere in the middle? Also, is there another career path I could be looking down, since I am in training now?

The back story is I wanted to be an operator, but training found out I had a training background in the Navy and sucked me up. I’m hoping that (and this is from one of the plant managers) that if I do well in the class, they will just transfer me over to Ops to continue the class to get my license and all will be well, instead of getting my cert.

You will have to go through class again. They will likely not document your training and exams to the level required for a docket.

« Last Edit: Oct 22, 2015, 07:38 by Higgs »
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Offline MMM

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Re: SRO Cert question
« Reply #4 on: Oct 23, 2015, 05:34 »
What Higgs said. Even if you're at a company that sends you through a full SRO license class, you won't take the NRC exams, so you'll have to do it over (good news: it will probably be a little easier for you). As far as going from Training to Ops, it depends on the utility. A friend got hired on into Training and was specifically told during his interview and on his first day, that they wouldn't let him transfer over. At mine, it seems like it's not too tough to transfer over, assuming Training can support losing the body.

P.S. Don't forget you can use your GI Bill for the cert class.

Offline Russo

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Re: SRO Cert question
« Reply #5 on: Oct 23, 2015, 07:28 »
Thanks for the advice. I was looking at a long term goal, being I just got into the industry. Going to training first seems to be a rarity around here, but looks like a good opportunity. And thanks for the advice about the GI bill, I will definitely have to look into it. I initially planned on saving it and working towards a Master's program, but since I recently discovered the utility will give assistance for higher education, I think I will apply some of it towards the cert. Now to start digging on that...

Offline Rerun

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Re: SRO Cert question
« Reply #6 on: Oct 23, 2015, 11:12 »
YMMV considerably in a Cert Class. DTE had the certs go through with the licensed guys up through systems. TVA didn't provide any official training at all for instructors.

Regardless a license class was a totally different animal and no it isn't easier even if you have a Cert..


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