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Offline HerschelsWalkers

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Management/Exec Career Path/Degrees?
« on: Nov 12, 2015, 11:36 »
Back Story: I'm a former Navy nuke ET (9.5 years) - submarines, RO, SRO, prototype instructor, ESF, LPO forever - standard stuff. I don't have a degree, but I got a job at a power plant as an Ops Training Instructor and start my SRO certification course in January. Following/pending that certification I intend to start on my bachelor's degree and work towards an MBA. I am interested in eventually moving into management and (brace yourselves, pipe dreams inbound) moving up into corporate (told you).

Question: What degree path are people in managerial and executive positions taking? Is it a business BS with an MBA or an engineering BS with an MBA? Something else???

Disclaimer: I know there is no substitute for hard work, knowledge, and (possibly most importantly) great connections. I just want to start on the right foot.

Thanks in advance.
"There is no hope. And you know it, like I do. Don't you? There is no hope for any of us. " - Herschel Greene (TWD), who was somehow not talking about submariners, but delivered the perfect sentiment.


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