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Problems with leased laundry?
« on: Mar 11, 2002, 12:31 »
>:( Heads up folks. The lease laundry recieved for our outage needed lots of extra manpower. Nothing bagged, bundled or sorted. Lots of stuff we didn't order. Short on stuff we needed. With only two options to lease from give yourselves extra time to sort out the mess you'll get.


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Re: Problems with leased laundry?
« Reply #1 on: Mar 13, 2002, 05:24 »
Regarding the laundry comment:

The industry as everyone knows has continued to try and cut costs in all facets of operation.  One of the areas that typically gets looked at is anti-c use and laundry handling etc.  There usually is money to be saved depending on each sites particular program.  With the ongoing consolidation of utilities, a host of different ideas and views towards laundry have come about.  For example, sharing laundry among sites to save on capital cost, less detailed packaging of garments for return to stations, etc.  This being said, I would bet that the station procurement personnel, asked the laundry vendor how they could do it cheaper, faster and with as little capital investment as possible.  In turn, the vendor most likely provided options that would reduce the processing costs such as, returning garments to the sites not packaged to the extent as previously received, utilizing sister station inventory that may have been packed and shipped directly from one station to another without the vendor even handling it etc.  Who is to say that the contract was not specifically written and had the provisions to return laundry exactly as how you are receiving.  It sounds as if in your case, the costs were reduced on the processing end, but unfortunately, unforeseen costs and additional labor were incurred on the receiving end.      

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Re: Problems with leased laundry?
« Reply #2 on: Mar 13, 2002, 02:51 »
So it's short on PCs as well as being short on techs..... doesn't sound like much as changed ;)
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Re: Problems with leased laundry?
« Reply #3 on: Mar 13, 2002, 03:04 »
One of the problems I recall, was the terrible smell of some loads on return.  It is almost as if they didn't wash some of the garments to begin with.


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Re: Problems with leased laundry?
« Reply #4 on: Mar 13, 2002, 03:20 »
I wish everyone had the chance to work the laundry from start to finish of a clients load. Perhaps after sorting 10,000 pounds of clothing, loaded 700 lbs at a time into washers, unloading a now wet ball of coveralls or other clothing into a dryer, unload the dryer, turn the clothes outside, monitor it, fold it, sort it, bundle it, bag it, load the truck and survey it, all this while the client says: What do I get for 7 cents a pound? a better understanding of the P.C. end would result.
As DRN put it check your end of the contract, if you want it ready for use, ask for it. Remember looks are for free, and all you get is a funny one.
DRN, Hi to everyone at the plant from Becky and I, keep up the good work!

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Re: Problems with leased laundry?
« Reply #5 on: Mar 13, 2002, 09:02 »
I have to agree with Pitstop and DRN, I worked the laundry facility at STP in 92-93.  It was....  :-X


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Re: Problems with leased laundry?
« Reply #6 on: Mar 15, 2002, 02:19 »
As suggested I have checked with our contract personnel and the problems we incountered were covered in the contract. From what I have been told this also happened at CR-3. We are still working on unloading and sorting a basket at a time. Yep. We get paid by the hour.


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Re: Problems with leased laundry?
« Reply #7 on: Jan 05, 2003, 09:40 »
Just make sure if you plan to use leased material you monitor it on the way in. The company has the ability to send very high quality material monitored to a very low set point, BUT, if they do not believe you will check up on them....Beware!


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