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Sooo, Why Haven't the Roadrats organized?

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the horse is dead my man!  i understand your angst, but it ain't gonna happen. the psychology is not there!!  ive work around RATs for 30 years and they will never figure it out nor do they want too! to get the ball rolling in your favor u need about $100k to do it based on the logistics and hot dog suppers u would need.  the spirits are not willin!!  im sure u have studied the history of unions... thats the moxie it took to get those crafts organized.  techs dont have that... no reason too... they prefer migrant nuclear worker status to skilled craftsman.. oh well!!


--- Quote ---the horse is dead my man!  i understand your angst, but it ain't gonna happen. the psychology is not there!!  ive work around RATs for 30 years and they will never figure it out nor do they want too! to get the ball rolling in your favor u need about $100k to do it based on the logistics and hot dog suppers u would need.  the spirits are not willin!!  im sure u have studied the history of unions... thats the moxie it took to get those crafts organized.  techs dont have that... no reason too... they prefer migrant nuclear worker status to skilled craftsman.. oh well!!
--- End quote ---

'fraid i hafta disagree here.  it would have happened in 90 if the ibew had done what they said they were going to do.  now, it will be harder expotentially due to bad feeling among the greybeards in the ranks.  besides, $100k ain't squat to the afl-cio groups, they pay over that to local presidents.  re:moxie.... sure, lots don't even know what it means.  but, there are plenty that not only know the meaning, but they apply it every day.  however, i am at a loss as to your meaning of "migrant nuclear worker status to skilled craftsman"... are you inferring that these are mutually exclusive terms?

Rain Man:
All one has to do is following some of the postings on this board and it is self evident why organizing will be a dead issue for a long time to come.  At times people are to busy pissing on each other than to spend time on anything of substance.  Since 1977 I have been able to work when I wanted to work, even during the lean times.  Personally, I see no reason to organize.

exploitation of the masses.....  for the benefit of a few??  (dang, thats old SWP quotes from the 60' how did i know about that??? ;D)

the 100k is not to grease the wheels of the union, its to grease the wheels of those techs who are locked by their own egos..   that money is just for getting them all drunk so u can half ass brain wash them back to some state of awareness....

and the quote" if the union had done...." the union IS the people that wish it to happen!! the wish was not there.

it was... what is the union gonna do for me?? from that perspective- real answer- nothing..unions are paper contracts...its the workers and their will that get the job done in a collective...

what are u gonna do for you, road techs?..unfortunately the answer is the same..nothing!  

a powerful union exists from powerful workers..  this psychology is nothing new, and is discussed in most poly-sci classes.  organization takes several things.. a powerful leader, dont have to be the local pres.. exploitation which results in major economic loss and hardship, and awareness.. the souce of that hardship identified.   that was not the case with the hp tech attempt.  all had work or could get it. the work was not a hardship, pay was beyond the common mans dream for what is being done, and there wasnt any single whip to align the troops for battle... so it was a loss from the get go.

rainman has read the writing on the wall- i see!!

Hey I was there...
Standing in the back of a pick-up truck giving the talkes to the workers. Where was 1500? setting back in D.C. with NO support!
How do you get 1500 to 2000 Rad Rats to agree?...
Working 60 to 84 hr's per week when you have work is hard to get veryone togehter...we can't even get 100 to go to a convention that supports our craft!!!!!!!!!!
Back in 1990 we stopped the outages for a total of 1 day. Then they brought in other tech's to take our place with a bonus in some places of up to $1000 for showing up...what does that say about our craft and our fellow worker's...EVERYONE IS OUT FOR THEIR OWN POCKET!
If you have a way to get everyone to gether to support this action PLEASE inform me, because I will stand behind you 100%.
Until then I need to work and make $$$$


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