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Offline ddickey

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« on: Nov 15, 2013, 12:48 »
If anyone is interested I just received confirmation from the EEI that the POSS C (assuming you passed) will qualify you as passed for the POSS B test. However, the reverse is not true.
I applied for a job with a utility that used the POSS B. They said I'd need to retest but I protested saying I had passed the POSS test already. It was them in fact that informed me I had taken the POSS C and they required the POSS B. I dug into this issue and the EEI confirmed what my belief was.
So if this happen to anyone else now you know.


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Re: POSS B, POSS C test
« Reply #1 on: Nov 18, 2013, 09:21 »
Most utilities will not accept a POSS result from another utility.

Offline ddickey

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Re: POSS B, POSS C test
« Reply #2 on: Nov 19, 2013, 12:24 »
Most utilities will not accept a POSS result from another utility.
So far I have not found this to be the case. I've not had an enormous amount of interviews but the positions that did require the POSS I've qualified for. In other words, My POSS C result has sufficed for every utility that has asked me for my results.


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Re: POSS B, POSS C test
« Reply #3 on: Nov 19, 2013, 05:36 »
Put it this way MANY won't. Are you in the industry qualified anything yet?

Offline Starkist

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Re: POSS B, POSS C test
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2014, 09:59 »
Most utilities will not accept a POSS result from another utility.

Sorry to necro bump this, but I feel this is misinformation, and may potentially mislead persons in the wrong way.

The following companies have accepted my POSS C score transfer from Entergy over the past couple years :

DTE Energy
NextEra Energy
Florida Power And Light
Duke Energy
American Electric Power
Pacific Gas and Electric
Xcel Energy
NRG energy

I do appreciate this is a fairly incomplete list, compared to ALL the energy companies that exist; but I've applied to many places, and I've only had ONE company refuse a test score transfer (Consumers Energy). My list does include the lions share of nuclear plants in this country though. Some companies were easier than others (Florida Power and Light was a pleasure... Exelon was not...) and you may need to be a squeaky wheel to get the scores transferred in time, but its possible. Moral of the story is ASK THEM.

Offline cole256

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Re: POSS B, POSS C test
« Reply #5 on: Feb 14, 2015, 08:01 »
The only company that wouldn't take my previous EEI score for was TVA.  I had to pass for them all over again.  FP&L, Exelon, Entergy, and Southern Nuclear all took my previous scores without any problems.

Offline danwri85

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Re: POSS B, POSS C test
« Reply #6 on: Jan 24, 2016, 02:07 »
Hey Guys,

I tested for AEP and it was the POSS B test and when I applied to OTTER TAIL Power and XCEL Energy they both told me i'd have to re-test as it doesn't qualify for their testing.  What the heck is the point of having a test that is suppose to cover all your bases and is good for life.. if there's how many different "versions" of the same test... kinda seems redundant.. and that all the companies want you to basically do their testing.  Needless to say there also not willing to be flexible on a timeline for the testing date or time so if you can't make it to their ONE testing date your all but screwed for getting further in the hiring process..

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Re: POSS B, POSS C test
« Reply #7 on: Jan 25, 2016, 10:18 »
Hey Guys,

I tested for AEP and it was the POSS B test and when I applied to OTTER TAIL Power and XCEL Energy they both told me i'd have to re-test as it doesn't qualify for their testing.  What the heck is the point of having a test that is suppose to cover all your bases and is good for life.. if there's how many different "versions" of the same test... kinda seems redundant.. and that all the companies want you to basically do their testing. 

It's not usually good for life, they almost all have an expiration date that varies from company to company.  As a personal example; I took the POSS to get hired but when I transferred from a garage to our nuke plant 14 years later I had to retake it.

Needless to say there also not willing to be flexible on a timeline for the testing date or time so if you can't make it to their ONE testing date your all but screwed for getting further in the hiring process..

Usually when applying for a job it's at the convenience of the hiring company not the applicant.  They're setting up for a somewhat sizeable group of people to be tested since it's a proctored test and it's most economical to do a group as opposed to an individual.

Best of luck in your job search.
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Offline Rerun

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Re: POSS B, POSS C test
« Reply #8 on: Jan 25, 2016, 10:56 »
Yepper. When we hired we set a test date. Many times its based on when the hiring manager can do it. Same with interviews. For 10 positions it wasn't uncommon to get nearly 1000 applicants so if you can't make it the next candidate can.

DTE may or may not take your POSS Test. They have and they haven't. The two POSS utilities I worked for were pass forever utilities. Once you passed at that utility you were good forever.

Offline danwri85

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Re: POSS B, POSS C test
« Reply #9 on: Jan 25, 2016, 05:00 »
Thanks for the input guys.  Just frustrating that they use the processes that they do.  Especially say if your applying for a job in another part of the country and they refuse to proctor the test out to a local facility or college to work with you on it. Instead expect you to travel to their location.. and not cover any of your costs.. it can make things quite difficult. 

But i suppose thats what you get when your in a employer market....


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