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Author Topic: What outside Nuclear career paths have licensed RO's travelled?  (Read 4366 times)

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Offline megalo17

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With the state of the industry (2 nukes announcing closing in the last week), I'm wondering what the odds are that I can ride this career to my retirement.  22 years seems so far away.  I'm wondering if any of you have transitioned out of the field, or know people who've successfully chosen a new path.  I'm basically polling what we may be qualified for that I'm not aware of.  The Operations side seems so pigeon holed.

Offline SloGlo

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  • trust me, i'm an hp
operators operate. an operators is an operator is an operator. find a plant bee it fossil,  nuke, hydro, and inn the future solar, wind, oar thermal and operate it.
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!

Offline Rerun

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That is as dead on as you will get.


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With the state of the industry (2 nukes announcing closing in the last week), I'm wondering what the odds are that I can ride this career to my retirement.  22 years seems so far away.  I'm wondering if any of you have transitioned out of the field, or know people who've successfully chosen a new path.  I'm basically polling what we may be qualified for that I'm not aware of.  The Operations side seems so pigeon holed.

Oahe Reservoir Hydro was always a dream job to me.


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