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Author Topic: Starting off with an MS  (Read 6486 times)

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Starting off with an MS
« on: Jan 27, 2016, 09:11 »
Hello there, I've done some searching and haven't really seen this topic being discussed. I'm due to finish at a well ranked US university with a Nuclear Engineering Masters degree, with a focus in radiation detection. I have light experience with: MCNP, RELAP, and Saphire 8.

I am open to working on all light water reactors and at any detector company. I've started my job search, mostly looking at Engineer I type positions. This seems a bit typical.

What type of positions should I keep an eye out for that perhaps I didn't know I could get?

What type of certifications or skills might I consider to acquire?

Any words from those who know where one may go from starting at this level of experience is appreciated.


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