Hey, thanks for looking at this post. I have looked to see if I could find any info here with regards to the Usmaps program with no luck however I guess I'll ask and sorry in advance if this topic has been posted already. Anyways I am an active duty nuke EM stationed in WA on the Nimitz, prior SPU, and I wanted to ensure I get everything out of the navy that I can while I do my job. I have looked into the Usmaps program but I am curious as to which certificate to persue that would be most beneficial in the civilian world. I am also on track to get my bachelors from Excelsior, as well as qualifying up to Load dispatcher & SRO, PPWS if I can, and as far up in QA that I can. I do not have a specific plan as far as what I want to do after my time in the navy, however I would like to make myself as marketable as possible. If you have any suggestions, perhaps you've gone through this already, I would really appreciate it, thank you.