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Author Topic: Nuclear Security Officer with APS at Palo Verde Nuclear Plant  (Read 12233 times)

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Offline azdbacks44

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I am interested in becoming a Nuclear Security Officer at Palo Verde Nuclear Plant. I have nearly 10 yrs experience in Law Enforcement.

What is the hiring process?
What are the qualifications?
How do I apply?
What is the work schedule like? Overtime?
What is the starting salary?

« Last Edit: Feb 16, 2016, 11:02 by azdbacks44 »

Offline retired nuke

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Almost all utilities hire via online. It lets HR screen without any headaches.

I did a quick google search: arizona public service palo verde jobs
I got this result:
Looking at the list, there are NO openings for Security at Palo Verde at this time.
I would check the website for APS frequently.
Nuclear Security is generally considered a low turnover field. Since the post-911 changes, I believe that the "boom" in hiring is about over.
You may want to look at the Nukeworker Job Board, and see if somewhere else interests you.
Good Luck
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Remember that you will die, and that this day is a gift. Remember how you wish to live, may the blessing of the Lord be with you


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