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Author Topic: Navy - If assigned to Aircraft Carrier can you fish in the downtime?  (Read 17419 times)

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Offline Nuke Jayhawk Mom

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I know it is a silly question, but my son, who is in Boot Camp right now, has the impression from the recruiter that when he is not scheduled to be "working" on the ship (on watch?) and he is out at sea, that he can literally drop a fishing line off the side or back of the ship and do some deep sea fishing... hmmm.

I am thinking, no...but thought I'd ask for comments from those who have been a Navy Nuke on an aircraft carrier. ;D

Would you mind sharing any experiences with this? If this isn't true, then for any nuke fishermen  :old: out there--were you able to fish during any of your time while at port (on liberty or whatever it is)? Or, any advice on how, when or where he would be able to fish during that LOOOOONG time out at sea?

(Not adept on Navy lingo just yet... working on it)  :stupidme: Please be kind haha!  [quit]

If my questions make no sense, let me know haha and I will try to clarify as best I can.  :-\

Thanks for taking the time to post any responses. Go Navy!!  [thanks] ~ Proud Navy Mom :)
Mom to Nuke, Mom to Jayhawk, Wound/Ostomy Care RN at the VA Hospital

Offline HydroDave63

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-were you able to fish during any of your time while at port (on liberty or whatever it is)?

Ummm, I sure wouldn't eat the shrimp or the fish from Karachi, Pakistan (been there, done that, got the intestinal scars to prove it! :( )

Offline Nuke Jayhawk Mom

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Well thank you for replying! heehee.

I was afraid that no one on here likes to fish and were just thinking, "huh?"  ;D  I know, I know. Why reply to a post about obviously isn't as fun as lurking... lol

Mom to Nuke, Mom to Jayhawk, Wound/Ostomy Care RN at the VA Hospital

Offline scotoma

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I don't know about a carrier, but I imagine that it would be difficult to catch anything cruising at several knots. I know fer sure that you can't fish from a submarine. ;)  :-*

Offline HydroDave63

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Plus the joys of being topside when they are pumping CHT tanks overboard, not sure I'd want to reel in any brown trout during that evolution!  :P

Offline Frank Cable

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 Guys did it on the USS America all the time.


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Currently, this type of activity is not allowed aboard carriers.

Offline retired nuke

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I don't know about a carrier, but I imagine that it would be difficult to catch anything cruising at several knots. I know fer sure that you can't fish from a submarine. ;)  :-*
au contraire - you just have to be on the surface. Whilst in the south atlantic, our sonar chief informed the captain that we were in the midst of a good school of fish. Surfaced, fished and had mahi mahi (dolphin) for supper. Caught about 15 of them, avg several pounds each.
I was the cook that cleaned and cooked them  8)
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Offline Nuke Jayhawk Mom

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Well well well! Seems a bit encouraging... awesome! Thanks for the responses...

...some of which graphically depicted some really super gross stuff haha.  [poo]

What about ports, I heard from someone else on here that they are pretty toxic...but what ports did you go to that you were able to go on really great USO planned fishing excursions, any that stand out? (so I can tell my SR about them when he's struggling through A school, for him to look forward to)  ;D

Oh, and one more thing  [OT] what is the  [jerry] smiley reference...I don't get it--aka not in the club on that one yet...

Mom to Nuke, Mom to Jayhawk, Wound/Ostomy Care RN at the VA Hospital

Offline HydroDave63

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Oh, and one more thing  [OT] what is the  [jerry] smiley reference...I don't get it--aka not in the club on that one yet...


It is an implied warning that a Forum thread is about to become a brawl, which usually gets it moved to GoldMember, so for less than a Venti Iced Green Tea Latte per month, you can wrassle with the best of 'em!  8)

Offline Nuke Jayhawk Mom

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lol ok I get it...
And I don't bother with the green tea latte stuff. Gimme the triple venti white chocolate mocha and I'm good to go. :)

I think I will end up doing the upgrade I suppose... Just need to see that my son will actually make it to A school... let alone through it haha...

Mom to Nuke, Mom to Jayhawk, Wound/Ostomy Care RN at the VA Hospital

Offline Marlin

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I think I will end up doing the upgrade I suppose... Just need to see that my son will actually make it to A school... let alone through it haha...


   Gold Member area is a little more wild west, a thick skin may be required especially in PolySci but Navy Stories in GM has some additional info you may find interesting.

« Last Edit: Apr 15, 2015, 10:51 by Marlin »

Offline fritzon

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Well, if you are fishing in a foreign port of call, you are fishing in the local area's toilet.   Few sewage treatment plants exist in foreign ports.  Much of what we call "Third World Countries", are very primitive in that respect. 
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Offline Nuke Jayhawk Mom

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oh ok got it Marlin, thanks.
I guess I just figured Gold Members wouldn't appreciate freeloaders like me coming into their site for sneak peeks and insights...  [sherlock] so I thought it may be frowned upon if I didn't literally "pay my dues" haha.  [protest]

Happy to keep my thin skin, sensitive, nonviolent, overly empathizing, save-the-world-complexed, complete crybaby, ignorant, girly ways  [GH]  [Bubbles] :'( [whistle]
...which is yet another reason I don't support the  [navy sub] "women in subs" initiatives...because that's just how girls are.  [stir]

I shall steer clear of the wild west area!  [banned]

And to you, fritzon, for your comments, I thank you for enabling me to again use the icon expressing my sentiment of "ewh, gross." [poo]  lol  and I would not like to learn any more about the grossness of ports in Third World Countries. If one should choose to share more yucky stuff, I will have to find a paddle. haha   [spank]
Mom to Nuke, Mom to Jayhawk, Wound/Ostomy Care RN at the VA Hospital

Offline GLW

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au contraire - you just have to be on the surface. Whilst in the south atlantic, our sonar chief informed the captain that we were in the midst of a good school of fish. Surfaced, fished and had mahi mahi (dolphin) for supper. Caught about 15 of them, avg several pounds each.
I was the cook that cleaned and cooked them  8)

you bastid!!!!

"NO ONE!!!! eats my friend the dolphin!!"....MM2/SS Cooperfish, circa 1983

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"


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Currently, this type of activity is not allowed aboard carriers.

That's a shame. I had a collapsible pole and reel along with a small Plano satchel for my tackle. Some places you anchored you just didn't want to do it (previously comments about sewer dumping in the harbors.) Other times we anchored in some pretty nice spots.



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