Career Path > Navy:Staying In
Applying to NR from the fleet (BUD/S DUD)
I graduated in May 2015 with a BS in Electrical Engineering 3.875 GPA. I enlisted in the USN July 2015 with an SO contract. I DORed from BUD/S January 2016. I have since re-rated to AV/SG. I start A-school at the end of February 2016. I would like to apply to OCS (specifically NUPOC) as soon as possible. I have read through OPNAV 1420.1b which gave me an idea for the procedure, but its all pretty general. Can anyone give me any insight on what it will take for me to submit an application, chances of getting picked up, and a time frame for all of this. What I imagine is that Ill have to finish A-school and fulfill any requirements (Warfare Designations/Making Rank) of my next command while working with the AV Command Career Consular.
First, if I recall correctly, you can't apply for NUPOC because you already have a degree and are on Active duty. NUPOC is a commissioning program for college Sophomores (Juniors?).
Reaching back 4 years or so, the OCS selection board convenes several times per year (if my memory isn't too fuzzy).
If you're in "A" School, talk to the school's Career Counselor. That is just the kind of thing they do.
As for chances of getting picked up, etc, someone else on here may have some more realistic idea.
Best of luck and thank you for volunteering to serve!
NUPOC is the only way to commission into subs or swo nuke through OCS. It is confusing because they target ads for college tech majors, but it is open to college graduates. With a degree he'd get a month or two of E6 pay before his OCS date rather than the up to two years as a junior in college.
Spekkio, thanks for that clarification. ;D
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