Facility & Company Information > Canada

NOIT at Bruce Power


Hey guys

How long does it usually take to hear back from Bruce Power about the NOIT hiring decision? I gave my interview on November 30,2015 but haven't heard anything back. Though I consider my chances to be very bleak now since I haven't heard back from them, I just wanted to know how things usually are.. do they only get back to people who have been selected or do they inform everyone about their results?

Your response would be highly appreciated. Thank you  :)

Most utilities only get back with those they selected.

Bruce is very slow about everything.  However, in this case it has been a really long time and they generally do not notify personnel if they are not selected.  I wouldn't say it not going to happen but time is not a good indicator in this situation.

Yes, I agree with you guys on this. Anyways, Thanks for your responses  :)


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