What was the exact charge when you were arrested/cited for underage drinking? What was the monetary penalty? Were you between >18 and <21? I am not an expert but I think the question on the initial PHQ askes:
Initial—Within the last five (5) years, or since your 18th BIRTHDAY (whichever is shorter), have you:
Update/Reinstatement—Since your last UA/UAA if favorably terminated within the past 3 years, have you: (Check Yes or No)
1. violated a licensee or employer’s fitness‐for‐duty policy? Yes No
been denied or had unescorted access authorization terminated unfavorably at any place of employment or
at any nuclear power plant for any reason including fitness for duty policy violation or been unfavorably
terminated from any employment for a fitness‐for‐duty reason?
Yes No
3. used, sold, or possessed illegal drugs? Yes No
4. abused legal drugs or alcohol? Yes No
5. ever subverted or attempted to subvert a drug or alcohol testing program? Yes No
6. refused to take a drug or alcohol test? Yes No
7. been subject to a plan (except self‐referral) for treating substance abuse? Yes No
been subject to a law enforcement authority or court of law action for alcohol or drug use related to any of
the following:
(a) The use, sale or possession of illegal drugs? Yes No
(b) The abuse of legal drugs or alcohol? Yes No
(c) The refusal to take a drug or alcohol test? Yes No
9. been subject to employment action taken for alcohol or drug abuse involving any of the following:
(a) A change in job responsibilities or removal from a job? Yes No
(b) Mandated implementation of a plan for substance abuse treatment in order to avoid a change in or
removal from a job?
Yes No
10. Are you currently in a fitness‐for‐duty follow‐up testing program? Yes No
And you will also be asked these questions :
Initial—Since your 18th BIRTHDAY, have you:
Update/Reinstatement—Since your last UA/UAA if within 3 years, have you: (Check Yes or No)
1. Been held, detained, taken into custody, charged, arrested, indicted, fined, forfeited bond, cited, or convicted for a
violation of any law, regulation or ordinance (e.g., felony, misdemeanor, traffic or military criminal history, etc.) or do you
now have such a case pending? Yes No
2. Been charged, arrested or convicted of an alcohol or a controlled substance related offense, which includes: driving under
the influence / while intoxicated (DUI / DWI), or have such a case pending? Yes No
3. Been charged, arrested or convicted of an infraction of the law for which you were fined more than $200? Yes No
4. Failed to appear in court for any offense(s)? Yes No
5. Are you currently under indictment, on probation, parole, work release, or subject to any other control of a court (including
restraining orders, orders of protection)? Yes No
Once you answer these questions then the investigator who reviews the questionaire will notify security at the NPP and they will discuss your eligibility and whether or not to DENY you UAA. Please bear in mind that a denial will usually ban you from UAA for at least 5 years.
I am sure that other good folks on this site will correct me if I have said anything wrong here so please wait for some of their replies before you make a decision.
Good luck with your endeavors.