.....My post at 1800 the other day.
I looked at it, clear to you 'cause you wrote it, not clear otherwise,...
...Again, this has nothing to do with babysitting and everything to do with individuals being mindful of the responsibility that comes with their authority. Namely, when someone who is an E-9 or O-4 says "I can make this happen," whatever this is, someone who has been in the Navy for about a year is inclined to believe them. It's a shame that OP probably can't seek accountability for this, partly because there's no record of it and partly because the senior ranking members will be given the benefit of the doubt.
What OP should have asked is how the SPU process normally works before signing a continued service agreement... but this goes back to OP not being around long enough in the Navy to know better, and his leadership not correctly guiding him through the process. This is not any knock against 'blueshirt' thing; junior sailors and officers need to be properly mentored....
Well, as more details are pulled into the discussion (conceding the details are from only one perspective) the positions shift in spite of the absolutes:
An E-9 and an O-4 promising to deliver what they cannot guarantee during a formal review board is not a shortcoming, it’s a lie,…
There are far too many years of khaki and total Naval Service represented in those two personas to dismiss what transpired as a “shortcoming”, if that is a shortcoming, the USN harbors some seriously flawed ethics,…
I know something of good mentoring by Masterchiefs and O-gangers, I was privileged to be well mentored by no fewer than four Masterchiefs during my eight year, three month and six day stint of active obligated service,…
I was also singled out for “special attention” by one E-7,…
Fortuitously, Providence put an E-9 into the retribution path of the one E-7, and I was spared the “special attention” of said E-7,…
I was well mentored by two O-5s, two O-4s, and singled out for retribution by one O-4,…
Fortuitously, Providence put an O-5 into the retribution path of the one O-4, and I was spared the unwarranted wrath of said O-4,…
It’s not drama, quite the opposite, it’s just the USN, and I tended to be a high profile type of ELT, even though I did not try to be, it just worked out that way, never profiled for lack of competence or military bearing, always the oddball “where did that come from?” stuff,…
But I digress (because I like to tell stories),…
I still fall to the default that CPOs and O-gangers are the good guys, that blueshirts, particularly NNPP blueshirts (‘cause I was conventional before I was nuke, and I know the “other Navy”), that NNPP blueshirts need to take ownership of things like signing contracts to re-enlist (particularly as re-enlistment contracts are NOT the blueshirt’s first go around with the Needs of the Navy),…
If the OP was a nub teenage sailor who had been in the USN for about a year maybe intense mentoring (known to me as spoonfeeding) would be warranted,…
The OP has been in the Navy for more like three years, has lived on the economy in Upstate New York for over a year, the OP is more than 21YO so the OP can live on the economy AND drink in the bars on Caroline Street, and somehow the OP has comported himself well and dignified like, with no disqualifying slip ups or behaviours,…
The OP got complacent and did not get it in writing,…
Anybody who lives in New York knows if it ain’t in writing it ain’t, this place ain’t no backwoods Carolina spit and a handshake place to dwell, it’s f’in New York,…
On the plus side, the OP displays a commendable attitude and the ability to own his past and his future and persevere without lapsing into bitter self-pity,…
The OP iza helluva guy,…
You are too spekkio, you just like to argue too much,….