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Disposal site for San Onofre nuclear waste
:P ;)
Note: This is an unscientific poll for curmudgeons, trolls, and other unserious posters on this site. 8)
If desert meant Yucca, and I know it doesn't, it would get my vote, but it didn't!
[SadPanda] :old: [beer] zzz
We don't get to vote for Senator Boxer's headquarters?
--- Quote from: Chimera on Apr 08, 2016, 06:58 ---We don't get to vote for Senator Boxer's headquarters?
--- End quote ---
Didn't think about that! How about 1/2 in her back yard and 1/2 in Harry Reed's back yard!
O:) :old: [beer]
Bonds 25:
I will happily take a cask, figure out a way to pump the decay heat into my house, set up a BBQ grill, some nice patio furniture on top and enjoy the beautiful scenery from my new backyard talking piece.
Only Security would be a sign hanging on the side of the cask saying: "Dear Terrorist, if you plan on popping the top to steal some spent fuel, please be kind enough to notify me beforehand so I can call the Coroner to set up your pick up time. Thank you"
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