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Author Topic: What's the fastest way Mechanic can get a bachelors?  (Read 3659 times)

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Offline Peter235

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I'm a nuke mechanic that separated from the Navy a year ago. I have a job in Utah but to be taken more seriously I need a bachelors. I remember someone said that one could get an AA in a semester and a bachelors in engineering in 2 years. I don't know the path to do that though. I'm most concerned with using my education as a nothing special E-5 towards getting a that AA so I can take that to a college near me.

Offline JROB

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Re: What's the fastest way Mechanic can get a bachelors?
« Reply #1 on: Apr 08, 2016, 12:23 »
In my opinion, easiest would be your AA from Excelsior college. I don't know if it is an AA in nuclear engineering technology or what it's exactly called. Just check out the program, do the enrollment process and start taking as many or as little classes as you want.

I received 72 credits from my Navy experience, separating as an E-5. That plus 9 more from previous college credit and I'm looking at 5 semesters, at about 8 credits a semester, to get my B.S..


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