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A Solution To Our Problem
Why are we sitting around scared to stick our necks out :-X while tree hugging hippies dictate why we can't build more nuke plants. We are all aware of the extreme lack of jobs I know I am. Because I do not have one. And the price of energy is ridiculous. If smart people like ourselves could get backing by any of the energy GIANTS with billions in anual revenue we could lobby our way into a much better position. Hey but thats just my two cents. Please respond I would like to see if this is feasable or not. ;)
maybe u should ask the present adminstration. little known fact- the iraq war cost could equip every house in america with solar and decrease power consumption by 40%. this would spawn a giant new industry- dont forget bush senior wrote OUT nuclear in his energy policy back in the 80s. that was the final nail in the coffin. its not the so called hippies that are hiding under your bed- we have spotted the enemy and they is us!!!
Just the facts, ma'm. J. Friday
But junior's administration made such a big push to get Yucca Mountain storage approved, nukies were real hopeful there for a while.......Then, of course, he wants to drill in the Alaska wildlife refuge.......and the prospect of war is driving gas prices up.....and part of the reason for the war is -let's face it- to secure oil supplies for the future.....
I don't think Washington is capable of a coherent energy policy. Too many lobbyists for too many energy providers. Nuclear has a place, but talk of dirty bombs and WMD will awaken that old fear of anything nuclear in the American psyche. You're right, we need publicity and we need to be heard. Ideas?
It's inevidable since the feasibility of other power generating sources are no match. Wind Mill's, Solar, Fuel Cells & the like include too many variables. Some say that the ozone has been depleted by constituents such as CFC's, at the same time, what flies at an altitude of 25 to 35,000 feet? Aircraft killing the atmosphere yet many don blinders since air transportation is essential.
Bush has started the ball rolling. Westinghouse has a new reactor design the incorporates 70% less piping than the modern day beast.
See the LBL DOE site and search for the Biography of Glen Seaborg. He gives the best scientifical explanation of the subject matter.
I feel that industry must continue to get control of the situation and weed out the weak since the USA has the best human resources. You need public trust and mediocrity will continue to keep a damper on the situation.
i guess the idea of a fully integrated energy policy approach is wasted in discussion here? in time nuke will return, however, the propaganda of "to many variables" is like saying that horses are the best provider of transportation because they are safe and dependable. anti-auto narrow minded individuals predicted that a massive fire would happen across the US if autos were allowed to be used with that dangerous gasoline. yes darkness is not good for solar, and the wind dont blow all the time, but the reason those technologies didnt take off is that they cant be controlled by major companies. simple solar units and wind units do work and do lower energy consumption. the problem is we are off the grid(heroin) and not mainlining money to the oil boys. Nuke scared the piss outta oil, but guess who won? wake up! As long as oil is cheap, and it is, there will be no nukes, solar, wind, or fuel cells.
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