Reference, Questions and Help > Nuclear Software
NukeWorker Calculator
To make it easier on folks who already have the .NET framework, I changed the install procedure.
Now, the first download is 3.5 MEGs. InstallShield starts. It checks to see if you have the .NET framework on your computer. If you do the install finishes in seconds. If you don't, it goes back to my website and gets you the painful 24 MEG download and then install the framework before installing the program (you have to have it, sorry).
I wrote this program for myself, originally. It is very useful. If you have not tried it, try it (it is widely used now)! If you use it, take the time to uninstall the old version and download this version. The new version has many improvements.
It can be obtained, for the moment at:
Click on the "new" .NET version button (bottom button).
I need some beta testers for some new software that I am toying with. A lot of you have the desktop version of the Nukeworker calculator. Being an ex rent-a tech myself, I also know that you may not have admin priveleges to install the software at a particular site, but you may have internet priveleges.
I have the basic conversions working on line. Try it out and get back to me if there are any bugs that you find. All comments are welcome.
Follow this link: Click here to get the calculator.
I appreciate any input that may follow this posting.
I am close to completing the NukeWorker On-Line Calculator. I know of a few current bugs that are being addressed. This is going to be something great for all of us, once I get it perfect. You can use it from a customer's computer anywhere in the world. No .NET download time is required. All you need is a computer with browser software.
Anyone willing to help me with the final stages of debugging, your help will be appreciated. I am doing this for of all for for free, so this is a journey of love. I need a few more eyes and fingers for testing. I am almost there, so now is the time to join in and criticize for the benefit of rest of the nuclear community.
The address is:
The decay calculator has much more to come. Look at the GUI on the U and Pu calculator. The decay calculator will have that power soon.
Join in and help me make it perfect for all of us.
New link:
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