Reference, Questions and Help > Nuclear Software
NukeWorker Calculator
Anyone feel free contact me directly at:
hmmm strange it loaded on XP professional and win98...and win ME for me. i wonder what files i have that they need?
It turns out the bug was in a calendar control I had just added. The control comes with MS Access. An associated file was telling the installer to register the control in the wrong place and the program would not install. I fixed it. Everyone just has to wait for Mike to have time to replace the download with the new version. I don't know why it installed for you DainJer. It may be whether or not you have Access on your system and if you do, which version. Looking at the bug description from MS, no one should have been able to install it, except me. I'm glad someone got to try it early though.
mike sent me the calculator about 2 or 3 weeks ago...maybe this was before you installed some new things in it?
a pre -version.
Yes Dainjer, I've made quite a few changes, with's Mike's input. While I had my mind on the upgrade track, I made some changes that I've had in mind for a while, concerning making the decay tab more user friendly. If you have no calendar control on your version, in the decay calculator tab, then you would not have the installation bug problem. Send me an email at, and I'll reply with the new version, that has all of the new features, and has no installation bug, or point you where to get it, or you can wait for the new version to be posted here.
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