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NukeWorker Menu I signed up and tried to log in, but it says invalid login. honeypot

Author Topic: I signed up and tried to log in, but it says invalid login.  (Read 7612 times)

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Offline Rennhack

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There could be several reasons why your login is not working:

1. Your username and/or password were invalid. Please make sure you typed them in correctly. If you have forgotten your username or password, you can click the link below the login form to have your username and password emailed to the address you signed up under.

2. You must first activate your account before you can log in. When you first register, details on how to activate your account should be emailed to you. Follow the instructions in that email to activate your account. Once those steps are completed, you will be given a login form and you will be able to log in.

3. You do not have flash installed, follow this link to get it: Download Flash

4. You do not have cookies turned on.  (The quiz uses cookies to log you in.)

5.  You have popups blocked. (The quiz opens in a popup box).
« Last Edit: Jan 31, 2005, 01:28 by Rennhack »


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