Career Path > Navy:Getting Out

Shore duty and out?

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Really Rerun?  You are truly a broken record.  There is a thread out there that takes into consideration his time, quals, quality of life, family situation and probable destination all at once?  Plus things change all the time and some of the info is old.  This board is great because there are lots of people who have been there done that and can offer some advice.  And people like to ask in real time for advice in case they are missing anything before they make an important decision in life, even if the answer to every question can be found in the search mode.  What this guy is asking is not unreasonable, chill out and offer some advice if you have any or just zip it if you don't.

To be honest I thought I was making a private message to someone here on the forum... I will blame my early afternoon large alcoholic beverage ;) (First day of leave in over a year... wife was not pleased when I passed out at 3pm on the bed.)

NLO is just one avenue, and I know the outlook of new nuclear facilities looks grim. I just would like to leave the navy with the most open doors possible. You guys were here when I depped in 7 years ago and helped me out tremendously so I was hoping by chance there was some more advice to chew on.


Lol fair enough. Fair enough!


--- Quote from: Jechtm on Jun 25, 2016, 02:06 ---.....
You guys were here when I depped in 7 years ago and helped me out tremendously so I was hoping by chance there was some more advice to chew on.


--- End quote ---

well, you did make ELT,...

the expectations for Elite Lifelong Talent are relentless,... 8)


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