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Offline callmetj

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Hi guys. New to the site but have been browsing the interview advice. I'm sure I'll be browsing it more in the next couple of days too. I see that there is a lot of good info here and I appreciate that. I found the site a couple of weeks ago when I was looking for information on the SO/PD testing. The info there was also helpful. Anyhow, I took POSS and MASS testing many years ago and have worked as an I&C tech for the last 12 years in a coal fired power plant. I tested a week and a half ago for the SO/PD and got a call last week. I interview this week for the position. I'm pretty excited and want to be sure to be as "on top" of my game as I possibly can be. Which means that I'll be doing a lot of reviewing for the next few days and nights. I have to come up with some good stories to tell about myself. In my years as an I&C tech I definitely have the stories, it's just going to be hard to talk myself up as I'm a pretty reserved guy. However, I've always been able to do what needs to be done when it's needed. I just wanted to take a few minutes to introduce myself and thank everyone for the great info here. It's a real collaboration.
« Last Edit: Sep 14, 2016, 08:46 by callmetj »

Offline scotoma

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Re: A Big Thank You to everyone contributing here......
« Reply #1 on: Sep 11, 2016, 07:50 »
Just stick to the facts. They will probably ask "what if" questions to see how you respond to normal and abnormal situations. They will want to see if you will go to the procedures and use them. They'll want determine your knowledge level. You don't have to know everything, so if you don't know the answer, say so, and tell them where you would go to find it. Once you are hired, they will teach you what you need to know, and they have what they call "continuing training" to keep you up to date. Good luck.

Offline callmetj

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Re: A Big Thank You to everyone contributing here......
« Reply #2 on: Sep 11, 2016, 08:47 »
Thank you scotoma for the advice. I'll be as on top of it as I can be. :)

Offline callmetj

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Re: A Big Thank You to everyone contributing here......
« Reply #3 on: Sep 14, 2016, 08:45 »
Okay guys, I had my interview for the Dispatcher position and I feel that it was the best interview I have ever had! I can't thank you enough for the advice here, of course I looked elsewhere and even had the inside scoop from a friend that had interviewed for a previous opening. I didn't have a panel interview, it was a one on one with the supervisor for whom I would be working. He seemed like a great guy, very knowledgeable in his field and had worked within the field for many years. I feel that I knocked it out of the park, but also learned that there is a fairly large group interviewing for this position. Therefore, I'm not counting on myself being the one selected for this job. It does however look promising for more positions to come open at this facility in the near future. If I don't get selected for this opening maybe I will be the guy that gets selected for a future opening. I interviewed for two and a half hours! I've never had an interview that lasted that long, but I loved it! They're not expecting to select a candidate until the middle of next month. Of course I sent a thank you email the same evening as my interview. I believe that I have done everything correct so far. Time to be patient and wait. LOL. That's the hardest part....


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