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Author Topic: Former navy nuke, life not going well, need immediate employment  (Read 9432 times)

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Offline kernkraft

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I initially did health physics for biopharma. I'm in a really bad spot now due to leaving job for family illness and willing to get back into a nuclear position.

What is the quickest way I can get into a decent nuclear job?
I've applied as a NLT, RO, and AUX (NUC) at several places. Are there other positions I should apply for? I was an EM2 (SS), no EWS, in the navy so I assume SRO is off the table.

I'm really hurting and need employment quickly.

Offline Rerun

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Uh yeah

Offline Rerun

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This probably aint the place

Offline hamsamich

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  • And did I hear a 9er in there?
call bartlett they have some one and done outages left I'm sure.

Offline SloGlo

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  • trust me, i'm an hp
day & zimmermann will probly have room on an outage this fall.
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!

Offline MMM

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FYI, odd as it sounds, you have less of a chance for RO than SRO.


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kernkraft - It sounds like you may be down a bit. Sometimes it is hard to get a job when you are down - You can project negativity when interviewing.

I have been told that I seem sad when I interview. That's usually because I miss the good old days when I worked for a Nuke. Be sure to look at other industries - a lot of my former coworkers are in grid ops now. That pays well but still has rotations. Right now I am ok working a fixed dayshift job but would go back to rotating shift for the right money and time off.

Offline Rerun

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FYI, odd as it sounds, you have less of a chance for RO than SRO.

Fully aware of that. An SRO license is gold. Get one on a BWR and one on a PWR and be a shift manager on both and you might as well be the mint


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