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Best Food Served At A Nuclear Site

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Can we be a bit arrogant and say that the food I bring in for the pot lucks is best .... no   Im sorry  I cant cook


--- Quote from: stormgoalie on Apr 04, 2008, 10:22 ---The Ryder's sausage haus roach coach on the Lazy H ;D 
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Yeah, I got food poisoning from the Lazy-H roach's the only job I've ever had that I was glad to get food poisoning, 'cuz it was better than going in to work...  :/

Palo Verde...If only you had time to walk all the way out to the cafeteria... :P


--- Quote from: Already Gone on Feb 27, 2008, 05:07 ---St. Lucie, Turkey Point, and TMI all have good onsite cafeterias.  Pickering beats them all.  But the best was that Winnebago that pulled up at SONGS.  That was the best roach-coach I ever dealt with, and the burritos...ahhh the burritos.

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I vote for Gaby's, also.


--- Quote from: Chimera on Jun 10, 2013, 08:30 ---I vote for Gaby's, also.

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2 sights that warm an ex-sailor's heart.....seeing the mail bag come over the lines during UNREP and landing on the deck, and afternoon changeover of the Gaby's morning truck and afternoon truck, so you (and the raccoons in the switchyard) can smell the freshly fried food for swings!  ;D


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