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Ignore a user
If there a user that is getting under your skin? Ignore them!
The forum software allows you to 'ignore' a person, hiding their messages from you.
Try it out on your favorite trolls here:;area=lists;sa=ignore
Buddies/Ignore List
Inevitably, there will be times when members get along great and times when personalities clash. Our forum provides a way to handle both instances. The buddy list allows members to keep track of users they enjoy talking to, while the ignore list hides users they do not want to see.
* Edit Buddies - Members may add or delete other members from their buddy list.
* Edit Ignore List - Members may add or delete other members from their ignore list.
This is a great feature, I tried it and it's perfect. No more "reruns" He can even reply to this and I'll never see it.
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