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Rate NUF Cram Notes 2016 Edition


PLEASE rate the 2016 edition of the NUF Cram notes.

Over 300 people have used the 2016 NUF Cram Notes, but only 9 reviews.

You can click on the image below to rate it.

If you have the REALLY REALLY old "RP Cram Notes" or the Grey cover 2014 NUF Cram Notes, I highly suggest you get the latest version.  There is a lot of new material in it.


D J Burrell Sr.:
Thanks for helping pass the NUF by providing us with the Cram Notes. :)


--- Quote from: D J Burrell Sr. on Sep 08, 2016, 02:19 ---Thanks for helping pass the NUF by providing us with the Cram Notes. :)

--- End quote ---

Thank you for taking a moment to go to Amazon to rate the book.  We have 2 new reviews, up to 11 now!

Also, I just noticed that the book is the #1 Amazon Best seller in Nuclear Engineering   [hitchhiker]

* #1 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Nuclear


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