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Offline Domovoy

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Some questions about my qualifications
« on: Sep 19, 2016, 05:19 »
I'd like to start off saying that the information on this forum has been incredibly useful and has helped give me a much more accurate view of what enlisted life as a nuke is like; the advice and knowledge I've gained while lurking on this board has been invaluable and I hope one day I can make the kind of contributions that some of the posters here have.

I graduated high school in 2014 with a total GPA of 2.34, realizing that college was NOT an option I decided to pursue a career in the military. I flirted with the marines, the airforce and the navy for a while, even took the asvab and got hounded by the navy recruiter to go nuke, but eventually decided to go to community college and revisit this in two years.

It's been two years. I've gotten my associates in mathematics, taking just about every class my CC has offered, and done a lot of self studying along the way, played some sports, decided to go on some hiking trips, decided to enlist. I finished up all my paperwork just a few days ago and am now waiting to go to basic as a nuke. I finished my AS with a little over a 3.2.

With that aside I have a few questions, mostly about higher education, that I would be incredibly grateful to have answered.

Firstly are there any opportunities for "more schooling" while in school? I recognize I probably will be too busy with the amount of work that will be given to even think of taking on some extra opportunities, but in the off chance I find myself with some free time I would love to have more stuff to learn.

Does anyone have any experience or insight in regards to Rensselaer? I've been looking into the college and, while it does sound a bit like putting the cart before the horse, would love to know what you guys and gals think of it as far as a nuclear engineering education goes, considering how the offer a program for nukes.

And finally my last question is related to the previous one. What classes would I get in Nuke School that I haven't taken already? It looks like I may end up Frankensteining my undergrad  from a bunch of different places and it would be good to know what exactly my creation is going to look like.

Offline hamsamich

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Re: Some questions about my qualifications
« Reply #1 on: Sep 20, 2016, 01:35 »
Really there is no time for all of this.  Get your nuke done, get stationed somewhere, and then start to worry about these questions.  The best way would have been to go officer to finish your degree now.  Don't worry there might be time eventually depending on your CO to get some college.  The amount of control the Navy has over your life is huge, so don't assume anything.  If all else fails use your GI Bill to get the degree after you get out.  There will be plenty of opp to "learn stuff" in the Navy if that is all you want to do.  Plus the Navy offers schools to do certain specific things pertaining to your rate after you are out in the fleet, but getting those extra schools is hard sometimes because they are considered a "good deal" and everyone is after them.  Now is not the time, you are already in school.  Did you attend another college while you where in CC?

Offline GLW

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Re: Some questions about my qualifications
« Reply #2 on: Sep 20, 2016, 03:31 »
......, decided to enlist. I finished up all my paperwork just a few days ago and am now waiting to go to basic as a nuke. I finished my AS with a little over a 3.2.....

okay, you are "in" the Navy and you are enlisted and designated to be in the Navy Nuclear Power Program (NNPP),....


....With that aside I have a few questions, mostly about higher education, that I would be incredibly grateful to have answered.

Firstly are there any opportunities for "more schooling" while in school? I recognize I probably will be too busy with the amount of work that will be given to even think of taking on some extra opportunities, but in the off chance I find myself with some free time I would love to have more stuff to learn.....


the NNPP is a fire hose of information taught the Navy way, for the Navy's needs at the Navy's speed,...

you can try, but I suspect every person in the Navy remotely accountable for your NNPP success will advise against extracurricular schooling until you have acquired your NEC,...

after that you will be eligible and perhaps encouraged to pursue the same "forces afloat" higher education opportunities available to all enlisted USN personnel,...

I personally know one user on these boards who acquired his masters (IIRC) while enlisted and in the NNPP within an eight year stint on active duty,...

one very, very dedicated user, who was not looking to make the USN a career in any way shape or form, he just wanted as much education for as little financial expense as he could actualize,...

....Does anyone have any experience or insight in regards to Rensselaer? I've been looking into the college and, while it does sound a bit like putting the cart before the horse, would love to know what you guys and gals think of it as far as a nuclear engineering education goes, considering how the offer a program for nukes.....

while you are in the USN as an enlisted service member I do not surmise you are competitive for RPI,...

perhaps after the Navy on your GI Bill,...

....And finally my last question is related to the previous one. What classes would I get in Nuke School that I haven't taken already? It looks like I may end up Frankensteining my undergrad  from a bunch of different places and it would be good to know what exactly my creation is going to look like.

not relevant regardless of what your recruiter told you,...

you get the Navy classes you get, taught the Navy way, and titled as the Navy titles them,...

AFTER you successfully earn your NEC there are a handful of technical degrees from a handful of institutions which may confer a sheepskin upon you,...

these are not engineering degrees, nor do they indicate you cannot earn an engineering degree, these sheepskins allow you to fill in the blank on job applications which require a STEM degree as a minimum for consideration, your NEC informs your potential employer you have a demonstrated ability to be trained and to apply what you are trained to do as trained, blah, blah blah,...

a Navy nuke is a known quantity,..........usually,... :-\

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

Offline hamsamich

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Re: Some questions about my qualifications
« Reply #3 on: Sep 20, 2016, 08:57 »
As far as RPI goes even the best colleges will let adult students who have a decent "adult recent past" take classes.  But being enrolled full time might be a different story.  If you can get stationed as a SPU at B Spa there is always this -

Offline Domovoy

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Re: Some questions about my qualifications
« Reply #4 on: Sep 20, 2016, 09:08 »
As far as RPI goes even the best colleges will let adult students who have a decent "adult recent past" take classes.  But being enrolled full time might be a different story.  If you can get stationed as a SPU at B Spa there is always this -

Are you saying that I become less competitive for colleges after I'm like 22? As in I wouldn't be able to apply to RPI or some other school after then because I'm too old? That's kind of a terrifying concept.

Offline GLW

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Re: Some questions about my qualifications
« Reply #5 on: Sep 20, 2016, 10:00 »
Are you saying that I become less competitive for colleges after I'm like 22? As in I wouldn't be able to apply to RPI or some other school after then because I'm too old? That's kind of a terrifying concept.

you are not competitive for a Navy sponsored enlisted to officer, RPI centric, within the NNPP, scenario,....

you will not be a competitive student in the RPI nuclear engineering program while trying to meet your duty obligations as a NNPP enlisted service member at the NPTU, West Milton (KSO) during your student time or as a JSI (nee SPU) should you be selected,...

IIRC, the USN and RPI no longer have the 3 year degree program for enlisted sea returnees at the KSO (suspended circa 2010?),...

this link: is archived from circa 2009 IIRIC

RPI does still give 31 credits for NNPP graduates as transfer students into the RPI Nuc Eng program,...

once you are out of the Navy you will be as competitive for an RPI Nuc Eng degree as you develop yourself to be regardless of age,...
« Last Edit: Sep 20, 2016, 10:08 by GLW »

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

Offline GLW

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Re: Some questions about my qualifications
« Reply #6 on: Sep 20, 2016, 10:20 »
as always, a contemporary, real world USN Career Counselor will be a better source of how to achieve what you desire to achieve than a gaggle of GOBs on an internet cyber world forum,...
« Last Edit: Sep 20, 2016, 10:21 by GLW »

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

Offline hamsamich

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Re: Some questions about my qualifications
« Reply #7 on: Sep 21, 2016, 01:45 »
No I'm just saying even the best colleges allow adult students to take night classes/part-time if they are responsible adults with good recent track records (good CC grades, special schools, special jobs), so RPI might let you take night classes.  No college in their right mind is going to let you be a full time student while you are in training, and when you get into the fleet it would be very hard to go full time anywhere.  Maybe you could go full time at a place like thomas edison but it would be a ball buster.  All I'm saying is the criteria for part-time is less stringent at most schools for an older adult with a proven track record; once you get your Navy Nuke under ur belt colleges tend to look at you differently, especially part timing college.

Offline MMM

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Re: Some questions about my qualifications
« Reply #8 on: Sep 21, 2016, 06:04 »
No I'm just saying even the best colleges allow adult students to take night classes/part-time if they are responsible adults with good recent track records (good CC grades, special schools, special jobs), so RPI might let you take night classes.  No college in their right mind is going to let you be a full time student while you are in training, and when you get into the fleet it would be very hard to go full time anywhere.  Maybe you could go full time at a place like thomas edison but it would be a ball buster.  All I'm saying is the criteria for part-time is less stringent at most schools for an older adult with a proven track record; once you get your Navy Nuke under ur belt colleges tend to look at you differently, especially part timing college.
I'll go a step farther, you won't have time to be a full time student (12+ hours/semester) while in the navy (no very hard about it), unless you're selected for an officer program that sends you to college, even with Thomas Edison and Excelsior. While you're in the training program you are ineligible for TA and won't have the time in to apply for the GI Bill (it's worth more to use it when you get out anyhow). Once you get to your ship (or qualify staff if you're selected for JSI), you will probably be able to pull off 1-2 classes per semester, depending on the class and you work load. If you're on a ship, you will most likely need online classes because of your underway schedule, I'm not sure how subs work. I suggest getting any chemistry and physics classes done before you go to boot camp, as labs are damn near impossible to get until you go to shore duty.

RPI ended its program with NPTU before 2010, you can still take classes with them, but they don't offer them near the site any more (I think they were at NSA), some issue about the professor sending aides to teach, which could impact their accreditation I think.

Offline Domovoy

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Re: Some questions about my qualifications
« Reply #9 on: Sep 22, 2016, 11:42 »
Thanks a lot for the information! I know I'm some ways away from this so it will be some time before a lot of this is relevant in the present, but it's good to have an idea of what to expect; puts the mind at ease.

Thanks again I'm heading down to my recruiter in an hour or so. I'll be suggesting to them.

Offline hamsamich

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Re: Some questions about my qualifications
« Reply #10 on: Sep 22, 2016, 03:57 »
I didn't even have time to do my lab while I was on rotating shift at a commercial nuke.  Labs are a problem!  Had to drop out of chemistry then because I couldn't get the time off  for the Lab at a local community college.  There are some places that offer a lab right after or before class.  This was not one of them.  I can't imagine being able to do a class with a lab on a Sub, but places like Thomas Edison are really good about getting you all the classes they can online.  I'm sure there are exceptions.

Most people take night/part-time classes if they want some college in the Navy then use the GI Bill to complete college after they get out, like me.  If they don't go officer.  It used to be free if you got an A.  Maybe it still is.

Offline MMM

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Re: Some questions about my qualifications
« Reply #11 on: Sep 22, 2016, 05:55 »
TA covers up to $250/hour, must get C's at least. There are several other requirements to get TA as well.


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