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Offline GLW

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Yet another "New Navy" Edict
« on: Dec 15, 2016, 12:44 »
from another thread,...

Merry Christmas

I thought that was the proposed ELT rating specialty badge.

And then came the new USN as of 09/29/2016.

Navy scuttles sailors' enlisted rating titles in huge career shake-up

ah well, perhaps I can escape to my "safe place",...

“there is a demand for “Safe Space” training at the Naval Academy”

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

Offline Marlin

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Re: Yet another "New Navy" Edict
« Reply #1 on: Dec 15, 2016, 01:14 »
Even the Coast Guard knew it was a bad idea and will not implement it.

For continuity here is the rating patch again.

Offline hamsamich

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Re: Yet another "New Navy" Edict
« Reply #2 on: Dec 16, 2016, 10:54 »
didn't realize we utilized hamburglars in the nav

Offline Marlin

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Re: Yet another "New Navy" Edict
« Reply #3 on: Dec 21, 2016, 10:10 »

Even the Coast Guard knew it was a bad idea and will not implement it.

For continuity here is the rating patch again.

The Navy has reversed itself and will retain the ratings.

Offline GLW

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Re: Yet another "New Navy" Edict
« Reply #4 on: Dec 21, 2016, 11:44 »

The Navy has reversed itself and will retain the ratings.

from the article:

....."I underestimated how fiercely loyal people were to their rating,” (Admiral) Richardson (CNO) said on Dec. 6 during an all hands call, Navy Times reported. “I’ve gotten a fair amount of feedback on that.”....

Imagine that,...

an Admiral with decades of service,...

a CNO,...

totally f'in oblivious to those uniquely Navy benchmarks which are held near and dear by those enlisted personnel the CNO has been "leading" for decades,...

sometimes I am reminded why there are so many reasons to get out of the Navy, and fewer reasons to stay in,....

I never wanted the Wardroom to pat my head and make me feel like a special snowflake,...

no one standing in a chow line for 23 minutes, hoping to wolf down midrats in 5 minutes before assuming the watch can delude themselves that they are a special snowflake,...

it would be recognizable though, if they (the Wardroom) had enough respect for the guys who die with their hands on the valve handles and the gun switches, if they had enough respect to know what those sailors are, and what those sailors are about,...

just because you do not die standing on the bridge, does not mean you did not die for the same thing,...

ah well,...

I've never regretted EAOS,....

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"


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Re: Yet another "New Navy" Edict
« Reply #5 on: Dec 21, 2016, 02:54 »
So a few tidbits of info from how this whole debacle happened in the first place.

SECNAV Mabus directs the Navy and Marine Corps to remove the word "man" from their ratings/specialties in order to make them unoffensive.

Marine Corps moves forward, says this is unnecessary work, removes "man" from almost all specialties.

CNO directs previous MCPON to address the SECNAV's directive.  MCPON creates a 12 person focus group, consisting of 2 Fleet CMCs and 10 officers, O-5 and O-6, to come up with a solution.  (the number and composition may be off, going on memory).

MCPON tells focus group that nothing is off-limits.  Focus group comes up with 4 solutions, most radical of which is drop all ratings.

MCPON/CNO present to SECNAV, MCPON/CNO say they recommend the nuclear option, SECNAV gives the green light.

MCPON retires, passes this hand-grenade off to his relief, the current MCPON.  Not sure if there was a reach-around or not.  >:( >:(

Announcement made on a Thursday afternoon, entire fleet, including Chief's Messes and Wardrooms, caught completely flatfooted and off-guard.  Announcement also includes the fact that there is no plan forward, as of yet, for things like advancement exams, rating badges, etc, just that ratings are gone immediately.

Giant $hitstorm erupts on social media and across the fleet.  Every stop the MCPON/CNO/SECNAV make since September, this is the primary point of discussion.  Early December, CNO, who was the DNR (Director of Naval Reactors) before being tabbed as CNO, says that they underestimated the negative response.  MOTO.

Today, Christmas comes early, ratings are reinstated immediately.

The End (for now)


Offline Marlin

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Re: Yet another "New Navy" Edict
« Reply #6 on: Dec 21, 2016, 03:27 »
So a few tidbits of info from how this whole debacle happened in the first place.

SECNAV Mabus directs the Navy and Marine Corps to remove the word "man" from their ratings/specialties in order to make them unoffensive.

Marine Corps moves forward, says this is unnecessary work, removes "man" from almost all specialties.

CNO directs previous MCPON to address the SECNAV's directive.  MCPON creates a 12 person focus group, consisting of 2 Fleet CMCs and 10 officers, O-5 and O-6, to come up with a solution.  (the number and composition may be off, going on memory).

MCPON tells focus group that nothing is off-limits.  Focus group comes up with 4 solutions, most radical of which is drop all ratings.

MCPON/CNO present to SECNAV, MCPON/CNO say they recommend the nuclear option, SECNAV gives the green light.

MCPON retires, passes this hand-grenade off to his relief, the current MCPON.  Not sure if there was a reach-around or not.  >:( >:(

Announcement made on a Thursday afternoon, entire fleet, including Chief's Messes and Wardrooms, caught completely flatfooted and off-guard.  Announcement also includes the fact that there is no plan forward, as of yet, for things like advancement exams, rating badges, etc, just that ratings are gone immediately.

Giant $hitstorm erupts on social media and across the fleet.  Every stop the MCPON/CNO/SECNAV make since September, this is the primary point of discussion.  Early December, CNO, who was the DNR (Director of Naval Reactors) before being tabbed as CNO, says that they underestimated the negative response.  MOTO.

Today, Christmas comes early, ratings are reinstated immediately.

The End (for now)


One more bit of information, a White House petition reached the required 100,000 signatures in short order to comply with the threshhold for a response from the White House and Adm Richardson said at the time it would not make a difference. Maybe the potential change in administration colored the decision.

Offline GLW

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Re: Yet another "New Navy" Edict
« Reply #7 on: Dec 21, 2016, 04:11 »

....Today, Christmas comes early, ratings are reinstated immediately.

The End (for now)


been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"


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Re: Yet another "New Navy" Edict
« Reply #8 on: Dec 30, 2016, 10:57 »
The only "safe places" on a submarine would be the main engine box girders @ 120F operational or sonar dome sphere. :-X


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