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Publishing program

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--- Quote from: GLW on Sep 18, 2016, 01:38 ---You need to sharpen your "meld" skill set.

Microsoft offers a comprehensive AND very widely used suite of products with the ability to move from editor to word to excel to visio to publisher to pwp, etc., etc., etc,....

Microsoft advantages - easily self taught, widely familiar and utilized by dam near everybody,...

Microsft disadvantages - it's microsoft, with all that implies....





best of the above bunch (and priciest IIRC) is Serif,...

biggest things to keep in mind are:

ability to import, edit and export between .pdf, .doc and PSDs,...

your computer power: speed, memory, disk space, graphics,....

great software on less than great hardware is a waste of time and money,....

adequate software (like microsoft's) on a great hardware platform will be fun,...

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Serif was on top of a couple of ratings sites I'll look further into it.


--- Quote from: Marlin on Sep 18, 2016, 01:41 ---Serif was on top of a couple of ratings sites I'll look further into it.

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short version -

go with micrsoft software on an awesome hardware platform,...

because if you had to come here to ask, microsoft is your speed,... :P :) ;) 8)

Serif's publisher is PagePlus, I downloaded the free version to test drive it and go through the tutorials. I will give you some feedback after I have used it a bit.


--- Quote from: GLW on Sep 18, 2016, 01:43 ---

short version -

go with micrsoft software on an awesome hardware platform,...

because if you had to come here to ask, microsoft is your speed,... :P :) ;) 8)

--- End quote ---

Looking for a home program used plenty of programs at work. So far PagePlus looks good.


--- Quote from: Marlin on Sep 18, 2016, 01:14 ---Is anyone using Microsoft 360 for home? Do you like it?

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I use it.  I did a cost benefit analysts, and I would save money with the subscription vs paying once.  I am an early adopter, I upgrade every time they issue a new product, and I have to have several licenses (because i like to be legal).

Publisher is included with the 360 package I have, but I don't use it.  I have had it included for years, and I have almost never used it.

I would make the newsletter and flyers in Word it had templates... but that's just me.  Publisher is good, because it has the same basic functionality as the other office programs you are used to, so there is virtually no learning curve.  With other brands, the learning curve can be huge.


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