So I was recently offered a career with a utility as a NLO. I have already handed my PHQ and answered all questions and disclosed everything truthfully. But, when I handed the packed to the Security personnel, she mentioned I may have to wait longer for a reply because I have one criminal conviction on my record.
Long story short, I was caught using a Fake ID to buy alcohol during my freshman year of college (April 2013). Yes, it was completely stupid and I should have never gotten the Fake ID to begin with. I was charged with a Misdemeanor for using the ID. I was placed into an expungement program and after a year I had completed the program and filed for expungment/dismissal. My driving record still shows I had my license suspended as a result of the charge, listed as "Non-DUI License Suspension". The expungement process ended in September 2014, and the local court destroyed the record of the case. I understand the NRC, utilities and the FBI still have access to the record and my fingerprints, hence, I disclosed all information. The only other offense on my record was a summary citation for speeding in March of 2013.
The security personnel mentioned I may have to meet with a Psychologist or MRO to discuss my fitness-for-duty because this was an "alcohol related" violation. I have no issue doing this, as I am not an alcoholic and always drink responsibly. Ironically I drink less now that I am 21 than when I was under 21 and holding the Fake ID.
The other thing I have, which I again disclosed, is that I took a vacation over my winter break to Ukraine to visit Chernobyl as part of a tour. It was truly a spectacle to see a Soviet designed nuclear plant, as most of the tours I got with my university were at PWRs. This trip was a planned event I took with a colleague from high school who works as a Health Physicist. As a student in a Nuclear Engineering program, it was really amazing to be at a reactor which you always read about.
My credit rating doesn't have any blemishes. I pay bills off immediately on my credit cards and utilities.
Based on the information I received on this site, a non-DUI offense translates to "Individual must show up on site with documentation of disposition of court case(s) and may require an interview by Utility Security." I have all the documents from the court case, including the original police report up to the letters I received from the court concerning the engagement.
Do any experienced NukeWorker members have any advice on whether I'll be granted UA?