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Author Topic: Will I be denied UA for a nuclear facility?  (Read 3644 times)

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Offline jone5328

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Will I be denied UA for a nuclear facility?
« on: Oct 05, 2016, 11:39 »
So I was recently offered a career with a utility as a NLO. I have already handed my PHQ and answered all questions and disclosed everything truthfully. But, when I handed the packed to the Security personnel, she mentioned I may have to wait longer for a reply because I have one criminal conviction on my record.

Long story short, I was caught using a Fake ID to buy alcohol during my freshman year of college (April 2013). Yes, it was completely stupid and I should have never gotten the Fake ID to begin with. I was charged with a Misdemeanor for using the ID. I was placed into an expungement program and after a year I had completed the program and filed for expungment/dismissal. My driving record still shows I had my license suspended as a result of the charge, listed as "Non-DUI License Suspension". The expungement process ended in September 2014, and the local court destroyed the record of the case. I understand the NRC, utilities and the FBI still have access to the record and my fingerprints, hence, I disclosed all information. The only other offense on my record was a summary citation for speeding in March of 2013.

The security personnel mentioned I may have to meet with a Psychologist or MRO to discuss my fitness-for-duty because this was an "alcohol related" violation. I have no issue doing this, as I am not an alcoholic and always drink responsibly. Ironically I drink less now that I am 21 than when I was under 21 and holding the Fake ID.

The other thing I have, which I again disclosed, is that I took a vacation over my winter break to Ukraine to visit Chernobyl as part of a tour. It was truly a spectacle to see a Soviet designed nuclear plant, as most of the tours I got with my university were at PWRs. This trip was a planned event I took with a colleague from high school who works as a Health Physicist. As a student in a Nuclear Engineering program, it was really amazing to be at a reactor which you always read about.

My credit rating doesn't have any blemishes. I pay bills off immediately on my credit cards and utilities.

Based on the information I received on this site, a non-DUI offense translates to "Individual must show up on site with documentation of disposition of court case(s) and may require an interview by Utility Security." I have all the documents from the court case, including the original police report up to the letters I received from the court concerning the engagement.

Do any experienced NukeWorker members have any advice on whether I'll be granted UA?
« Last Edit: Oct 05, 2016, 11:42 by jone5328 »

Offline Ksheed

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Re: Will I be denied UA for a nuclear facility?
« Reply #1 on: Oct 05, 2016, 03:29 »
Yes, you will probably have a video conference with the shrink. Yes, your access authorization will probably take longer then others. If you gain unescorted access, you may be added to the "accelerated FFD program" which basically means you will be getting "randomly" tested quite often for an undisclosed amount of time.
If you disclosed all the information, as you have stated, then you should be okay.
« Last Edit: Oct 05, 2016, 04:06 by Marlin »


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