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Offline DaveNE

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Chances of becoming Security at a local plant
« on: Oct 07, 2016, 11:34 »
Hi guys and gals,

Thank you for having me on your forum. I wanted to ask you all on your opinions and suggestions on me possibly getting hired as security and the best way to go about it.

I became interested in the job while taking a carbine class and there were a few guys there who were also taking the class with me that worked together at a power plant. I didn't think much of it at the time, about five months ago, but the more I thought about it the more interested I became in possibly following suit and joining the team.

Here is a little bit about me, and where your experience will help IMO, because you will know off the bat what I would need to do to get the ball rolling.

I am 39 years old, Male, healthy, no drug or drinking or smoking history, no criminal background, and some college education. {I requested a transcript today to see how many credits I have}.

I have no Leo or Armed forces background however I have taken and passed six courses under Rockwell Tactical. Three pistol courses and Three Carbine courses. I plan on taking more courses on my own soon.

I have a valid Drivers license, a valid License to carry, a car, No DUI history, and am able to commute to make the career work.
I have a small family and am eager to start a new career and work hard at it.

So that basically sums it up. Thanks for any advice or tips you may have. I really do appreciate them. Thanks again for having me on the forum. Have a great day


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