Facility & Company Information > Company Information
System One Holdings
Hi - I didn't see any info regarding System One, having issue with this company on assignment at Pepco Holdings (now part of Exelon). Is it okay to post this here?
System One is breaching contracts for about 25-50 contractors (most are employees of System One). They are taking away our per diem, dramatically cutting our hourly rate, and will no longer pay time and a half for OT (just straight time). I heard they did something similar at PPL ... and ended up losing that contract after a while.
I have never been with a company that tried to breach my contract, has anyone been through something like this before? Anyone here that was at PPL when this happened? Do we have any legal options against System One? Thanks.
--- Quote from: akbinner on Oct 10, 2016, 10:14 ---Hi - I didn't see any info regarding System One, having issue with this company on assignment at Pepco Holdings (now part of Exelon). Is it okay to post this here?
System One is breaching contracts for about 25-50 contractors (most are employees of System One). They are taking away our per diem, dramatically cutting our hourly rate, and will no longer pay time and a half for OT (just straight time). I heard they did something similar at PPL ... and ended up losing that contract after a while.
I have never been with a company that tried to breach my contract, has anyone been through something like this before? Anyone here that was at PPL when this happened? Do we have any legal options against System One? Thanks.
--- End quote ---
Out of curiosity, how long have you been at that location?
Hi - personally been there since February 2016, 1 year contract. Others have been there longer, a few came after me.
Are you aware than a company is not permitted by federal law to pay per diem longer than 1 year? (Specifically, for you to not pay tax on it, it has to be an 'accountable' program. Of that, one of the many rules is that it can not exceed a year) The rules are found in the Code of Federal Regulations: 26 CFR 1.62-2 - Reimbursements and other expense allowance arrangements.
With that out of the way, I read that you have been there less than a year, about 8 months. -- I just wanted to get that out there.
I personally have worked for System one only once, and only for a short outage. I had no issues during that short outage.
You mention a 'contract'. With the current 'right to work' laws, most 'contracts' are worthless. None the less, if you actually have something in print, I suggest you reread it. If there are no words in it that state "at will" or other such outs, then hire a lawyer, and seek reimbursement. You may also think that you have a 'contract', but you just have a statement delineating expected results. -- Contract law is very detailed with minutia.
I don't quite understand your first sentence - "Are you aware than a company is not permitted by federal law to pay per diem longer than 1 year?"
I didn't find that in the link you provided. Where does it specifically state a private employer is prohibited by law from paying a per diem for longer than one year?
I've always known per diem is taxable for assignments over 1 year.
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