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Author Topic: Do I really need a car in Nuke A school/Power school?  (Read 5321 times)

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Offline JakeC

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   As the title says I was wondering if a car in Nuke A school, power school, or prototype is really necessary or if I can get away with not having one. My recruiter was a Nuke and said it really helps to have one, but honestly I'd rather not still have a car payment or have to pay for insurance on a car if I'm not really going to need it. I was told that I wouldn't really need a car until prototype because I'd be living off base, but would that not also mean a car isn't even remotely necessary for almost a year because of bootcamp (2ish months), A school (3-6 months), and power school (6 months... plus any delays in between these?? Between my car payment and insurance I'm paying around $410/month so not having that while I'm in the Navy would be very nice.
 ALSO, when exactly do Nukes move off base? Do we get to choose where we live with the BAH or are there set locations in Charleston? Also, do we keep the remaining amount of the BAH/BAS?

Offline MMM

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Re: Do I really need a car in Nuke A school/Power school?
« Reply #1 on: Oct 16, 2016, 11:48 »
A School and power school, not really, as you will live in the barracks if you're single. One might be nice for getting around town, but the same can be done with taxis and busses. Once you go to NPTU (Prototype) a car is almost a necessity, unless you get roommates on your crew with a car, as you live off base, an in NY, you'll probably live at least 15 minutes away by car. You will move out of barracks when you leave power school and you can live pretty much wherever you want for prototype, just keep in mind you're at work 12+ hours, so think about the commute time.
BAH is a set amount for housing based on your location and rank. Unlike when I went through 20 years ago when there was also VHA (variable housing allowance), you get a set amount which is based on the "average" housing cost in you area and the size you need for your rank. Anything you don't spend, you keep. So it's somewhat beneficial to get a few roommates to split the rent and utilities. It's different if you end up in base housing, and I'm not sure what those rules are anymore, but essentially you pay all your BAH and that covers rent and utilities.
BAS is the same, although when you get to your ship, most of it gets pulled out of your pay.


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