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Offline watkinstam

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NUPOC Timing
« on: Feb 06, 2017, 12:19 »
I am in my final semester of my undergrad and I've been in the NUPOC program for a year and a half. I'll be in the instructor position in SC. I'll graduate the first week of May.

I was wondering if people in this position could give me any insight into the timing. My recruiter only talks in vague time frames.

When can I expect to head to ODS?
How much advance notice do I have before I have to report?
How much time do you typically have between ODS and starting at NNPTC?


Offline BrianScott87

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Re: NUPOC Timing
« Reply #1 on: Feb 15, 2017, 01:38 »
Watkinstam --- do you still have the business card or contact information you received at the interview?  You should reach out to the NUPOC office at Naval Recruiting command --- I don't have the data handy at the moment (away on travel for several weeks for work) but I'm certain that you've got at least a tentative date in place. 

In general, we try to ensure that everyone gets at least a few weeks to get their affairs in order prior to going to ODS/OCS --- but it can be quite a bit longer depending on how the class dates line up. 

If you graduate in May, I would expect you to go to ODS in June or July --- but again you should reach out and get the real answer.  This is outside my swim lane, as I mostly deal with the pre-interview/accession side of the program. 


No data on the gap between ODS and NNPTC --- I would expect at least a couple of weeks.  You could probably take a bit more, but you would be using leave (which you should have a boat-load of --- so not big deal there I suppose).  That's also out of my swim-lane (it's deep and narrow, apparently!)
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Offline BrianScott87

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Re: NUPOC Timing
« Reply #2 on: Feb 15, 2017, 01:40 »
If you don't, reach out to me on the portal at the bottom of the NUPOC office's website:  ;  That goes to my personal e-mail and I can forward to the relevant guys at NRC. 
"That's what it is to be a human -- to always do the best you can, no matter the circumstances."
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Offline watkinstam

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Re: NUPOC Timing
« Reply #3 on: Feb 20, 2017, 10:08 »
I'll reach out to them and see where I can get. Thanks!
By the way, I've been to your website before, it is very informative and helpful!


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