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Favorite RPMs ?

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Jim Smith is probably the best I ever had the pleasure of working with. Although on Feb. 11th there was a posting for a Superintendent Radiation Protection for ANO. If he is still at ANO great, if not hopefully he landed in a better position.

Jeff Foster (Duke Power - previously at McGuire, now at Catawba), was a fine RPM to work for while I was at McGuire ('81-'93).
Back then,(I've heard he has since changed) he came across as aloof, but then once you got to know him, you found an honest and fair man. Jeff is committed to his work, and he expects the same from the people that work for him. In return, he treats you with great respect.

What no votes for Dorsey Smith, or Al Stafford? :o Well I have a few choices, Tim Steed, Doug Boone, and Steve Hamilton. Here's one for Rain Man, slogo,and housepuke. How about Joe Kosmol {Retired}:D Well I know I'm gonna take a lot of heat for mentioning Steve, but I'm not really afraid! Before you bash me though, click on your own profile. Doed it say "hidden"? I thought so! ;) Now, who's afraid? ??? Steve is doing an excellent job here at Brunswick, The RPM's have a notoriously short half life here! He's worked here before as a tech, so he's paid his dues, and he knows this plant and a lot of the people. You will see him in the plant a good bit, and if you have a problem or a concern he will discuss it with you. I find him quite knowledgeable on most evrything  we have disscussed. :)  He is genuinely concerned about the well being of his techs ;D I also know that he'll eventually read this, since at the beginning of our outage, I was posting here, trying to help staff. He rewarded me with a gift certificate for $25.00 I immediatley invested it in ice cream! Return on investment, miles of smiles. Most of us enjoy working for him, and I haven't heard a bad word spoken about him. He still has a few rather large challenges in front of him, :P I know he will do well! :D I also know that I'll be accused of sucking up! Well so be it! >:( Y'all are just mad because you didn't think of it first! ;) Ohhh, I almost forgot! :- My little buddy Gooch Cheatem is now at HB Robinson! Talk about challenged! :P He's gonna need a lot of help this fall with their outage! I'm gonna be there, how about it? It'll be a lot better than it was! ;D
See y'all there!

Rain Man:
jjordan,  is Joe still alive.  I thought he was pickled in a jar at Turners in Monaca?

Don't know if he's still alive, but alcohol is a good preservative! Hell look at me, I don't look a day over 60! 8)


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