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Author Topic: Do I qualify? I think I do but...  (Read 6843 times)

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Offline seankitten

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Do I qualify? I think I do but...
« on: Jan 03, 2017, 08:56 »

Just curious if I can qualify as an Equipment Operator. I have a BS: Mathematics, with minor in writing, I finished A-School and Power-School for the Navy nuclear power program but since I had several deaths in the family back to back during prototype (and I was barely 18 and didn't know how to deal with loss) ended up dropping out of prototype though I was top 25%, was systems complete and had just the 100% exam and oral exam left.

Since I didn't finish prototype, do I not qualify as an entry level Equipment Operator, or should I look at getting additional education?

(note I have an MA in education but sadly teaching doesn't pay enough to keep my family off food stamps)

Thanks in advance!

« Last Edit: Jan 03, 2017, 08:58 by seankitten »

Offline hamsamich

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Re: Do I qualify? I think I do but...
« Reply #1 on: Jan 03, 2017, 09:25 »
Anyone qualifies to be an equipment operator, as long as you look at what each utility is looking for.  Usually you have to take a special test that is kind of like basic mechanical aptitude during or before the interview(s).  Each utility has it's own set of criteria when hiring an NLO/AO.  There is nothing specific.  And the utility can bend their own riles if they need to hire people, depending on the utility (like union procedures might hamper this).  With a bit of navy nuke experience and that Math degree you might score an interview.  Depends on how bad they need NLOs.  To be an NLO you go thru a training program given by the utility that qualifies you to start qualifying each watch-station an NLO will stand.  You qualify for that by the utility hiring you.  3-4 months of training after getting hired, then you go on shift to start the qual process.


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