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HP's and RPT's: What is the difference?
Hello everyone!
I think I have finally found a place to answer my question! And that is:
What is the difference between a Heath Physicist and a Radiation Protection Technician?
I think, from what I have gathered, an HP is a high type of RPT, but I am probably wrong.
Thank you all so much!
--- Quote from: Tokarev on Dec 14, 2016, 08:23 ---
What is the difference between a Heath Physicist and a Radiation Protection Technician?
I think, from what I have gathered, an HP is a high type of RPT, but I am probably wrong.
--- End quote ---
Yep, you would be,....wrong that is,...
an RPT is a technician, a Radiation Protection Technician,...
a Health Physicist is:
well, a quick google search would have put you here;
and then you would have gleaned the following,....
.....Prominent among scientists is the health physicist, who controls the beneficial use of radiation while protecting workers and the public from potential hazards. The health physics profession is diverse and one of the most interesting and rewarding fields of scientific endeavor......In 1942 a group of physicists working with the first nuclear reactor became concerned with the health of project workers and the general public. As a result, they took on the responsibilities of coping with radiation hazards never before encountered. These physicists were called health physicists, and the profession known as health physics came into existence.....Radiation control incorporates an understanding of many disciplines. It has common scientific interests with many areas of specialization: physics, biology, biophysics, engineering (nuclear, civil, mechanical, or electrical), chemistry, genetics, ecology, environmental sciences, metallurgy, medicine, physiology, and toxicology. The wide spectrum of knowledge required of the health physicist makes this profession both challenging and rewarding.....
designating a Health Physicist as a high type of RPT is akin to designating Enzo Ferrari as a high type of mechanic, the designation denigrates both and neither elevates nor respects either,...
Enzo was certainly able to turn a wrench with skill, but the daily maintenance and exacting implementation of the scuderia was entrusted to Attilio,...
the skillsets are complimentary, the foci are different,...
Thank you so much!
Yep, that makes a lot of sense. Just a difference of foci.
It is no wonder becoming an HP sounds so exclusive. You HP's are amazing! (You too, RPT's!)
--- Quote from: Tokarev on Dec 14, 2016, 08:23 ---Hello everyone!
I think I have finally found a place to answer my question! And that is:
What is the difference between a Heath Physicist and a Radiation Protection Technician?
I think, from what I have gathered, an HP is a high type of RPT, but I am probably wrong.
Thank you all so much!
--- End quote ---
The easy explanation is a comparison of a Lawyer to a cop or a Doctor to a Emergency Mediccal Technician (EMT). Health Physicist can be just a title for a position but typically is an individual certified by the Health Physics Society with a degree an appropriate amount of professional experience and references.
That is an easy analogy, my father is a certified EMT. Much different from a doctor.
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