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Offline MercuryMan

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Unescorted Acccess
« on: Dec 18, 2016, 01:42 »

I am getting out of the Navy soon and I am concerned with my my chances of getting access to a power plant.  I have 10 years of honorable service and have been a very high performer.  The problem is some things on my record:

Before Navy:
1.  Possession of Marijuana in 2005, which I plead No Contest and did a treatment class (Adjudication Withheld) - record has been purged
2.  Possession of Alcohol under 21, in 2006 (Charges were dropped, due to lack of evidence) - Record has been purged

During Navy:
3.  NJP for underage drinking, disrespecting a commissioned officer, and communicating a threat.  (Bad night during power school in 2007)
4.  Disorderly Conduct for yelling out the window of a car.  Plead guilty, expungment should be complete prior to hire. ( 2013) Have a letter from CO to prove I reported this to Navy.

I have excellent credit, excellent references, a secret security clearance, and a proven Navy track record.  Is it likely that I will be denied access, due to these issues?  Any input would be greatly appreciated!
« Last Edit: Dec 18, 2016, 12:13 by MercuryMan »


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Re: Unescorted Acccess
« Reply #1 on: Dec 18, 2016, 07:14 »
Just be honest. No one is perfect. Remember, just because the record may be "expunged" you were still arrested. I am no expert by any means but I don't see a problem. I have seen people with criminal histories way worse than that get access. I can't stress enough about being totally honest with your background check paperwork.......big brother knows all. Good luck.


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Re: Unescorted Acccess
« Reply #2 on: Dec 19, 2016, 09:59 »
When you fill out your questionnaire, list it.  By "it" I mean the stuff you screwed up.  Will the issues you listed keep you from getting UAA?  Highly doubtful.  If you don't list something and it is revealed during your background check?  Almost a guarantee you will be denied, because you've just made yourself a liability.  not even on the job any time at all and they can't trust you to be honest and display integrity.

A note about the background checks, they WILL call the people you list.  Let those people know you are listing them as a reference and vet them.  Some people, for whatever reason, may not be comfortable with an employer calling them.

Lastly, I'm gonna be honest and say that disorderly conduct for yelling out the window of a car sounds ...... fishy.  Not saying you're not being honest, but during my 20 years on Active duty, those stories always had way more than what was initially revealed  ;D

Best of luck and thank you for serving!

Offline Ksheed

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Re: Unescorted Acccess
« Reply #3 on: Dec 19, 2016, 10:35 »

I am getting out of the Navy soon and I am concerned with my my chances of getting access to a power plant.  I have 10 years of honorable service and have been a very high performer.  The problem is some things on my record:

Before Navy:
1.  Possession of Marijuana in 2005, which I plead No Contest and did a treatment class (Adjudication Withheld) - record has been purged
2.  Possession of Alcohol under 21, in 2006 (Charges were dropped, due to lack of evidence) - Record has been purged

During Navy:
3.  NJP for underage drinking, disrespecting a commissioned officer, and communicating a threat.  (Bad night during power school in 2007)
4.  Disorderly Conduct for yelling out the window of a car.  Plead guilty, expungment should be complete prior to hire. ( 2013) Have a letter from CO to prove I reported this to Navy.

I have excellent credit, excellent references, a secret security clearance, and a proven Navy track record.  Is it likely that I will be denied access, due to these issues?  Any input would be greatly appreciated!

If you are honest about everything you should be fine. Your background will take a little longer since they will have to verify all of those incidents. Make sure to get copies of all the court documents concerning the incidents that you can, they will want it.

A note about the background checks, they WILL call the people you list.  Let those people know you are listing them as a reference and vet them.  Some people, for whatever reason, may not be comfortable with an employer calling them.

They will call the three references you list, but they really don't care about those people's opinion of you, no one with half a brain will list a bad reference. They will ask each of your references to provide names and contact numbers for a couple other people that personally know you. Those are the people they want to talk to.

I raised a little hell while enlisted as well. The key is you need to prove that you are moving forward from that. Three years since your last incident should provide them some comfort.

Good luck and thanks for your service.

Offline MercuryMan

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Re: Unescorted Acccess
« Reply #4 on: Dec 19, 2016, 09:47 »
Thanks everybody, I really appreciate the input!

Offline An_Experienced_Idiot

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Re: Unescorted Acccess
« Reply #5 on: Dec 20, 2016, 11:48 »
Based on the information you have furnished I wouldn't see any issue to worry about.

That being said I have some advice on making the background go smoother.

List references that are easy to get ahold of.  If you typically have issues getting ahold of a person then your investigator will also have issues.
It also helps to inform your references to expect calls from the area code the background screeners are located.  People often won't answer calls they don't recognize that are outside of their personal calling area. 

If you got out of the military within the past 5 years you will be expected to provide your original DD214 long form.  Member-4 version will suffice, but it has to be the original one.  They won't accept you scanning or faxing it in either as they have to treat it in a similar manner to a official transcript, just without the "sealed envelope" part.

Lastly I advise you proof read your application before you turn it in.  Errors on it, to include failing to sign where necessary, can often result in delays in getting your clearance. 


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