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Author Topic: Navy NUKE Security Clearance...How long?...I'm old-ish  (Read 6669 times)

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Offline mick996

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Hello. I signed up just last week with the AECF rate. I "alpha" qualified for the Nuclear Program as well as other intelligence positions, scoring a 96 overall (99 on picat :/) and comfortably above the thresholds for the NUC and ET fields. I am also 26 years young so, for the Nuke program, I am also waiting on an age waiver approval. I'm mainly trying to figure out what the timeframe is for the background check. I was told by my recruiter that between end of the month slash mid Feb I'd know but after perusing the internet I'm hearing different. Hoping someone might be able to shed some light on this for me.

Also, any nukes with age waiver experience are more than welcome to share. I've read both positive and negative accounts for someone in my shoes and certainly wouldn't mind some feedback.
« Last Edit: Jan 16, 2017, 10:41 by mick996 »

Offline Antonio11213

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Re: Navy NUKE Security Clearance...How long?...I'm old-ish
« Reply #1 on: Apr 03, 2017, 12:20 »
A little late, but I was told it takes them 31 days to even consider your nasis paperwork. After 31 days they will schedule a review date or something along those lines. Seeing you just signed up in January you probably got a shit date in August or so even with the AECF rate, you can ask your recruiter to keep you updated on your security clearance and they will notify you when it comes back.

Offline GreenAurora

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Re: Navy NUKE Security Clearance...How long?...I'm old-ish
« Reply #2 on: Aug 25, 2017, 12:57 »
I just found this forum. I'm 26 now and went into DEP Oct 4, 2016 (when I was 25). I scored a 96 on my ASVAB and auto-qualified for nuclear. I initially chose EM for my rate as there were no slots open for female nukes! Had a ship date of June 13. I got my nuke contract in January 2017 with a new ship date of Sept 16. Had my interview with a special investigator contractor from the NBIB at the end of June. I had 2 credit card accounts in collections with a 3rd party from my (stupid) college mistakes and a 3 month bout of unemployment after graduation. They've told me that's why my clearance is taking so long to get adjudicated? They just told me today that my ship date got pushed out to November... My job is replacing me in a couple of weeks, per my original ship date, so I'm putting in a DAR to get a different job ASAP because I will be without income after Sept 16!!!

Also, they don't tell you this because apparently my recruiters have never seen clearance take this long (just my luck) but nukes can be in DEP for up to 15 months whereas non-nukes can only be in for 364 days. However, if at 15 months your clearance still hasn't been adjudicated you'll have to pick another rate and ship out... I can't wait 7 more months (15 months total) with no, or significantly less, income and zero guarantee that I'll get to be a nuke still.

The 18 year old male nukes that I've seen in DEP over the last 10 months are all gone, their clearances came through quickly and they got rolled out to basic early.

Good luck!


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