Facility & Company Information > Vogtle
Does Southern hire their security in house or thru contractor
Looking to relocate from NJ. Haven't been able to find any security positions on their webpage.
--- Quote from: jcmmdm on Mar 02, 2017, 01:54 ---Looking to relocate from NJ. Haven't been able to find any security positions on their webpage.
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I could be mistaken, but I don't think any operating nuclear plants in the US still use contractors.
TVA SQN is hiring 5 officers now. www.tva.gov
retired nuke:
--- Quote from: Rennhack on Mar 03, 2017, 12:50 ---I could be mistaken, but I don't think any operating nuclear plants in the US still use contractors.
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Entergy utilizes Securitas for their security personnel. At least in the NE.
--- Quote from: HouseDad on Oct 17, 2017, 06:31 ---Entergy utilizes Securitas for their security personnel. At least in the NE.
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At operating nuclear facilities, Entergy typically uses in-house (Palisades, River Bend, Waterford & ANO), and at the non-operating sites they use securitas. (Big Rock, VY)
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