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New Graduate w/ Questions
« on: Mar 26, 2017, 06:14 »

Hello, I’m a graduate from Lakeshore Technical College’s Nuclear Technology program and eagerly looking to enter into the industry. I was recommended to visit this forum by a few associates and spent the past few weeks reading the old topics here, along with the FAQ and found I still have a few questions that remain unanswered.

First, I’ll put a bit of background information before my questions as to try and preemptively fill in any gaps/questions. I’m twenty-four and graduated from my program a few months ago. I, unfortunately, lack a whole lot of work experience as I primarily focused myself on knocking out the general education(science, math, ethic and etc.) courses until I choose to follow LTC’s Nuclear Technology program – although I possess a total work experience of a solid year altogether, it's not a whole lot I understand. I had a summer internship that was somewhat inside of the industry at an upstart company to fill the Moly-99 supply void. I’m currently centered out of the Midwest.

I understand that a lot of entry and first-time work experience for many are on Outages job, because of the surplus Jr. RPT’s and HP’s in the industry – at least that's he consensus I gathered from the forums here that I’ve read thus far. I naturally understand, as in working in any field new, it’s about the contacts you’ve made and will make, working your way up. Anyway, onto the questions.

1 ) The optimal way to get in contact with recruiters/companies for deconner work, other than Nukeworker’s job page? Is it best to direct call the recruiters/companies involved? E-mail? What typically works best?

2 ) What are the common do’s and don’ts that you’ve seen for the travel aspect for an outage job? or the best to do? Easier to road-trip to the destination? or fly out and rely on public transit to and from the work site? Is a hotel easier over finding a short-term lease or perhaps AirBnB?

3 ) Best time to apply for outage work? I’ve heard two answers to this, one is a month prior to spring and fall season (late winter and late summer) and a month prior to a particular outage you wish to work at. Is any one of these true? What’s the reasoning if so or not?

4 ) Abide for the NUF, what are a few “must have” or “most beneficial” certifications or training for a Jr. RPT, or ones that help a fresh Jr. RPT be a “stand-out” that are on the Nukeworker page? and are there any not available on Nukeworker that you’d recommend?

5 ) Resumes, what’s best to put on from the industry’s perceptive? I’ve been informed for the longest of time that less is more for your typical resume. Reading on the forums, that’s not the case for this field. I’ve lost the link to the forum to this topic that addressed this topic, so I’ll ask. What best to put on them? What’s unnecessary? What from my college labs courses that I can/should put on it ? Will I need to supply past addresses? or any other additional information? What’s necessary?

6 ) If supplied the opportunity to choose what company/station to for work, what one’s put their employee’s through the “ringer”? Odd question, I know. Due to the fact I’m fresh out of college and unexperinced with the industry, I’m interested working in a stricter or tougher work environment compared to the “norm”. I understand each facility has their own procedures and all follow the regular-common set guidelines, so it this all boils down to personal opinion, experience and stories heard.

If you’ve reached this far, I thank you for your time and reading to this point. I understand there is no substitute for experience, but any constructive answer, no matter how small or a link to a thread that I might've missed, will be quite an assist in the transition from college to entry into the industry. If there is any questions had or answers supplied, post them and I’ll get back to each one ASAP. Thanks again.
« Last Edit: Mar 26, 2017, 06:16 by Bjohnson1 »


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