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Author Topic: NUPOC acceptance rate? Worth waiting or should I enlist now?  (Read 27713 times)

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Offline mick996

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Links don't work, can you explain briefly, please?

Offline Marlin

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Links don't work, can you explain briefly, please?

Not sure why the link does not work for you I have no problem with it, but here you go:

Enlisted Detailing

Enlisted Detailers are charged with the equitable distribution of Sailors to commands based on billets authorized (BA) and the Navy Manning Plan (NMP) via the Career Management System Interactive Detailing (CMS-ID).

Primary consideration for selection for orders should consider each of the following:  Needs of the Navy, career needs of the individual, and desires of the individual.

Needs of the Navy This is the primary consideration in each Sailors assignment and is taken into consideration prior to all other factors.  These needs are met by filling a valid billet requirement with the best Sailor available. Billets advertised on CMS-ID are loaded as needs of the Navy assignments via the cognizant Manning Control Authority (MCA).  There are two MCA’s (MCA-F) which controls most operation/deployable billets and (MCA-B) which controls most shore/training billets.  Advertised billets on CMS-ID are screened by the placement coordinator (who represents the command) and published in CMS-ID for the detailer to fill.

Career Needs of the Individual.  Detailers are mindful of selections in CMS-ID to ensure each applicant’s career experience is taken into consideration.  These different decision points include re-utilizing NEC’s, weighing different types to duty stations (developing a broad based Sailor), as well as choosing the right Sailor based on evaluation recommendations.  Selecting Sailors using this criterion helps to develop Sailors who are capable of performing in key operational and non-operational environments.

Desires of the Individual. While every detailer strives to select Sailors for their number one preference in CMS-ID, the needs of the Navy and desires of the Sailor don’t always align.  The desires of the individual, although listed third, are extremely important. In this area, the morale of the Sailor and, in many instances, the family, are affected.

Offline mick996

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This doesn't seem to be a factor for me or others' with high ASVAB scores. I was able to pick a job, and ship date, high up on my list that did not require an age waiver. Now, if there is presently a high priority for AECF peeps (my current job) and there is not for a Nuke position, I could see how this could work against me. To be clear, the only reason I wasn't able to select the position was my age, so that's the real issue here, for me at least. If the age waiver is a pipe dream, well then I'll find out soon enough. I planned on enlisting regardless and would still be happy with the job I've selected. Though I may consider taking the CT test at a later date if I'm approved for a clearance. Maybe I'm not totally picking up what you're puttin' down so if that's the case, tell me where I'm wrong...and thanks for the input!

Offline Marlin

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This doesn't seem to be a factor for me or others' with high ASVAB scores. I was able to pick a job, and ship date, high up on my list that did not require an age waiver. Now, if there is presently a high priority for AECF peeps (my current job) and there is not for a Nuke position, I could see how this could work against me. To be clear, the only reason I wasn't able to select the position was my age, so that's the real issue here, for me at least. If the age waiver is a pipe dream, well then I'll find out soon enough. I planned on enlisting regardless and would still be happy with the job I've selected. Though I may consider taking the CT test at a later date if I'm approved for a clearance. Maybe I'm not totally picking up what you're puttin' down so if that's the case, tell me where I'm wrong...and thanks for the input!

Your pipeline for school may be predetermined as it is realted to your rate but your assignment to ship after that is handled by a detailer... apples and oranges. Needs of the Navy is the predominant factor in that decision no matter what your preference is on duty assignment.

Offline mick996

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I see what you're saying. I thought you were still chiming in in relation to acceptance into the nuke program. Though not a huge concern for me, it's good to know. I volunteered for submarine assignment and would love to be assigned to a Virginia class sub but we'll see. Fingers still tightly crossed for the nuke program!
« Last Edit: Jan 31, 2017, 12:10 by mick996 »

Offline mick996

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What are you hearing about the likeliness? I've heard it's pretty hard to get a waiver now a days, which is kind of pushing me to enlist if I can shipped in time.

Good luck!

UPDATE: Spoke with recruiters today and still no word just yet. Background check hasn't been officially completed but they mentioned that I should be gtg on that front--if I wasn't, so they say, I'd have heard something by now. Said they'd make a call tomorrow on the age waiver. I'm a little pessimistic with regard to the age waiver part of it. Either way, again, if you want it, don't mess around.

Offline spekkio

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Currently going to take my ASVAB Thursday(took my ASVAB this morning, scored a AFQT of 96 and my NUC composite score is 256)[/font][/color], but considering the long wait I will have in DEP, would it make more sense to just take the two semesters worth of calculus and physics and apply for the NUPOC program? [/font][/size]

Or is the acceptance rate low enough that it would be a crapshoot to getting in or not?

The only info I found on here so chances were good but they were posts from around 8 years ago.
As for my background I currently have a GED and 32 College credits from my University with a GPA of 3.25

Also hearing 25 and up need a waiver? Will that be an issue to get as I turn 25 in June.
If you can swing it and think you'll get B+ or better, take the college courses and apply for NUPOC.

The max age is 29, waiverable to 31 with prior service. You won't need a waiver at 25 years old.

GPA of 3.25 is fine for sub or surface nuke. It's not competitive for instructor or NRE. Keep in mind that NR only looks at your technical courses (math/physics/chemistry/programming) for evaluating you, so re-do your GPA for only those courses. They also look at your SAT scores.

Offline Hard_Celery

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It's hard to tell only because you hear stories of recruiters blowing smoke up your behind. I've heard positive accounts of individuals my age but any older than a year I've heard is basically a non-starter--my recruiters expressed the same sentiment. No one at MEPS could tell me one way or the other, and I wasn't really them expecting to. I've been told that I 'should' know one way or another by the end of the month/middle of February but I still haven't heard anything. If I was in your shoes, I would start the process now for nuke so you don't have to worry about your age being a factor. Also, do you know what you scored on the EL portion? That also needs to be above 250. If both you are over 250 for both the NUC and EL fields then you "alpha-qualify". If not, there is a separate test you can take to qualify for the program. It is my understanding that those who alpha-qualify are given preference to a degree (which is what I'm banking on given my age). I ask because you won't be able to sign up at MEPS without alpha-qualifying, you'll need to take another test, the NAPT I think. For that, I imagine you'd have to come back another day to do so but I just don't know. I meet with my recruiters again in a couple days so I'll let you know if I hear anything new.
249 on my EL and 256 on NUC, my recruiter told me I was a auto qual though. Dunno if he's right though, if not guess I need to study a bit for the NAPT since I hear it's a bit of physics which I've never taken,

Offline Hard_Celery

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If you can swing it and think you'll get B+ or better, take the college courses and apply for NUPOC.

The max age is 29, waiverable to 31 with prior service. You won't need a waiver at 25 years old.

GPA of 3.25 is fine for sub or surface nuke. It's not competitive for instructor or NRE. Keep in mind that NR only looks at your technical courses (math/physics/chemistry/programming) for evaluating you, so re-do your GPA for only those courses. They also look at your SAT scores.

Well if they go by GPA a B+ doesn't matter at my school since it's all whole numbers.  Ge a 89 in a class, too bad that's a 3.0. I've only taken Math so far though which one is an A and another a C. If I take physics/calculus I plan on getting a 4.0 if at all possible for me, starting off by taking those classes on KhanAcademy before I take them school so I'll be prepared. Plain Math has always been a weakpoint of mine, but for some reason I seem to do a lot better in math though when it's in a science class. Guessing part of that reason is I've always kind of had a problem with math teachers not explaining why this works this way when just given a formula with nothing to actually apply it too in reality. But when you give me something I can actually understand why it works this way and how it applies to the actual world around me I find it easier.
And by ages I guess you referring to the NUPOC only? or is 25 the max for going enlisted nuke.

Don't really care if I can only get surface though instructor would be nice, I've always wanted to try teaching though as being in the position to help younger people learn and inspire them has always been something I'm interested in but as an officer I guess I'll get those chances in one form or another. Also just feel like being an Officer is going to be nicer. And being an officer is definitely the only way I'd consider staying past my first enlistment.

My SAT is also to old to use now so I'll be retaking that and getting a higher score. I only scored a 490 in math last time but that was straight from getting my GED and not being in any kind of classes for a few years.

From what I've heard/read you can delay DEP up to a year though and they can't/won't ship you out until you get you results back from NUPOC and I'll probably also apply to the Naval Academy for the hell of it though I doubt I'll get accepted.

Also do you know if it goes by competitiveness in your state/district? GA boys aren't the smartest in general lol. That score in math was only a 44 percentile nationwide but 53 state wide.
« Last Edit: Feb 05, 2017, 05:34 by Hard_Celery »

Offline Hard_Celery

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UPDATE: Spoke with recruiters today and still no word just yet. Background check hasn't been officially completed but they mentioned that I should be gtg on that front--if I wasn't, so they say, I'd have heard something by now. Said they'd make a call tomorrow on the age waiver. I'm a little pessimistic with regard to the age waiver part of it. Either way, again, if you want it, don't mess around.

Yea hopefully my background check is fine too, I've been in Jail before but charges were dropped, and have a few minor tickets(Drinking underage when I was 20, and traffic related).

Yea I understand the pessimistic part, I've been that way about things lately. Feel like I'm going to go through all this trouble and they're going to find a reason to deny me at MEPS for some reason, or I won't be able to get security clearance because of my parents past.

Offline Hard_Celery

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Also a question about volunteering for subs, If I volunteer either enlisted or NUPOC am I basically stuck on a sub for my whole contract? I want to volunteer for subs as it interests me, but will I have the option of getting off if I hate it and would rather be on a carrier after my first deployment?

Rather not take the chance if I'm going to be stuck in Davie Jones locker for my whole contract.
« Last Edit: Feb 05, 2017, 09:10 by Hard_Celery »


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In the past, being accepted into the submarine community meant you were there unless you requested a release.  In my 20 years, I encountered 1 individual who had successfully been released to the surface community.


Offline spekkio

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Also a question about volunteering for subs, If I volunteer either enlisted or NUPOC am I basically stuck on a sub for my whole contract? I want to volunteer for subs as it interests me, but will I have the option of getting off if I hate it and would rather be on a carrier after my first deployment?

Rather not take the chance if I'm going to be stuck in Davie Jones locker for my whole contract.
You will not have the opportunity to switch unless you are medically disqualified.

On the officer head, you have the opportunity to lateral transfer into a restricted line job after your initial division officer tour (~3 years) provided the community is over-manned. If the community is not over-manned due to higher than anticipated retention, you will not have the ability to transfer into another community. The next window of opportunity to transfer is post department head (approximately 11 years of service). There's literally nothing you can do to control or predict this, so I wouldn't even consider it in your decision process.

Offline Hard_Celery

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Talked to the Nuke recruiter Thursday, and he said I was to old to enlist as a Nuke without a age waiver that I would likely not get. So there goes the enlisted option I guess. They're trying to push me to go CT now and basically lied about my chances of getting NUPOC(Told me only 3.8 GPA's get accepted and they really only take seniors) from what I've seen.

Offline BrianScott87

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If you can swing it and think you'll get B+ or better, take the college courses and apply for NUPOC.

The max age is 29, waiverable to 31 with prior service. You won't need a waiver at 25 years old.

GPA of 3.25 is fine for sub or surface nuke. It's not competitive for instructor or NRE. Keep in mind that NR only looks at your technical courses (math/physics/chemistry/programming) for evaluating you, so re-do your GPA for only those courses. They also look at your SAT scores.

^^ This.  Spekkio is on the ball here. 

3.25 is a little on the low end for Submarines / SWON, but it's in the ballpark.  It will be a function of the caliber of school, test scores (ACT/SAT), and what your grades in technical coursework are.  If you take another semester and get >3.25 and knock out any missing Calc/Physics course you'd have a very high likelihood of being given the chance to interview. 

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