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Offline mvglasstech

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DCPP UAA denied after livescan
« on: Apr 17, 2017, 11:16 »
I was hired on for this years outage and i was very excited to work for pg&e.. I completed the PHQ and started the intake process and on my second day they called me in to the access office and wanted to talk about my criminal background. they want to know why i did not list an expunged charge from 2002. i told them that the case was expunged and i didn't think i had to disclose that. I assumed that an expungement was a deletion. i explained that i went as far as going the my counties court house and pulled my record and listed all that was on my record except for the 2 expungments. I told them when i got the case expunged my attorney even advised me that i did not have to disclose this case anymore for employment. The access officer said that there nothing he could do for me that it was protocol and he denied my UAA. he also told me i should appeal this and to bring in a statement of facts and all my court papers and he would see they got to the right place for the appeal.
The next Monday I got all my paper work together and even a letter for my attorney stating he advised me not to disclose since this case was expunged.
It has now been 2 weeks and i haven't heard anything from them. I even did my own live scan and get this. there is only 1 of the 2 expunged cases on there.

So here's my questions
1- how long does it take for the appeals committee to respond back to me
2- what are my chances that they will see this in my favor
3- can i apply at the next outage

now that i think about this I even called Pinnacle Investigations which are the one that control the PHQ and asked about expungements and they said that the PHQ doesn't ask for expunged cases so i should be fine. I told the access office that too.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated . thank you
« Last Edit: Apr 17, 2017, 11:23 by mvglasstech »


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