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Offline Clutch450

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BMST Test for Exelon question.
« on: Sep 17, 2015, 03:52 »
Hi guys!
I'm new here, but I've been searching theses forums like mad the past couple days.
I recently applied for an operations job with Exelon.  I got the call last Tuesday to set up POSS and BMST testing for this Tuesday(9/22).  Rather short notice I know!

I have been studying and printed out the sample exams.  I'm confident I can do well on the POSS.  I've been timing myself and get the sections done in time.  I scored very well on my ASVAB(~90) when I entered the NAVY. 

My biggest concern is the BMST.  I've been reviewing the material.  The study guide they provide isn't much help!
I'm good to go on the math topics, physics and chem.  I'm a current BS Mechanical Engineering Tech major so it's all rather fresh.  But the electrical I'm new to and the nuclear I don't know much on.

My question to you guys is what should I be studying in regards to the nuclear section and the electrical section??

Thanks in advance guys!

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Re: BMST Test for Exelon question.
« Reply #1 on: Sep 20, 2015, 02:29 »
Are you asking for the test to be compromised on the internet?  I advise against that.

The BMST is a BASIC Math and Science Test.  The study guide is more than enough to get you prepared.  If you feel especially weak in topic areas, then a high school text book maybe will help?
You have to prove yourself every shift. Paul Coffey
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Offline GLW

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Re: BMST Test for Exelon question.
« Reply #2 on: Sep 20, 2015, 09:59 »
Are you asking for the test to be compromised on the internet?  I advise against that.

the OP is ex Navy,..

not ex-Navy nuke,...


in the Navy all his training was geared to specifically what he needed to know,...

it's what he is accustomed to,...

he is a BS Mechanical Engineering Tech student,...

once again a technical focused curriculum, not a BSME,...

no Calc 3,...

it's all good though,...

there are architects,...

and there are master carpenters,...

since one architect can design enough work for 100+ master carpenters, if you want to feed your family and be a cozy middle class kind of guy, there are a lot more options as a carpenter than as an architect,...

the OP is a bright guy,...

the OPs line of questioning is completely valid from his baseline and he is not a nuke and he was upfront about it,...

the OP most likely does not have the cultural sensitivity yet,...

some day he (she?) may,...

in the interim,...

to the OP,...

welcome to,...

be cautious about the "perception" of compromising nuke related testable material on the internet,...

grow a thick skin,...

because nukes eat their own,... 8)
« Last Edit: Sep 20, 2015, 11:15 by GLW »

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

Offline GLW

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Re: BMST Test for Exelon question.
« Reply #3 on: Sep 20, 2015, 10:04 »

this is the good answer,...

The BMST is a BASIC Math and Science Test.  The study guide is more than enough to get you prepared.  If you feel especially weak in topic areas, then a high school text book maybe will help?

always remember the Sears, Roebuck and Co. catalog from your youth (if you can, you would have had to be a youth in or before 1993),...

good, better, best,...

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

Offline HU This

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Re: BMST Test for Exelon question.
« Reply #4 on: Sep 20, 2015, 12:35 »
BMST No Calculator Allowed

Be able to...

Arithmetic with no calc (long division, long multiplication, big numbers, complex fractions)
Algebra: FOIL, factoring polynomials, adding polynomials, slope stuff y=mx + b, quadratic formula
Trig: basic trig functions, right angle stuff, Pythag theorm, converting degrees to radians and back, using trig tables
Geometry: Calculating area of circle, triangle, area of a sphere, cylinder <-- know your equations, I do not remember if they are given,

Get ahold of the CLEP Natural Sciences prep book, that will cover science part

Physics: Levers, force, relationships, pulleys, do not remember too much other than simple Newtonian physics and relationships

Offline GLW

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Re: BMST Test for Exelon question.
« Reply #5 on: Sep 20, 2015, 01:50 »
better answer,...

BMST No Calculator Allowed

Be able to...

Arithmetic with no calc (long division, long multiplication, big numbers, complex fractions)
Algebra: FOIL, factoring polynomials, adding polynomials, slope stuff y=mx + b, quadratic formula
Trig: basic trig functions, right angle stuff, Pythag theorm, converting degrees to radians and back, using trig tables
Geometry: Calculating area of circle, triangle, area of a sphere, cylinder <-- know your equations, I do not remember if they are given,

Get ahold of the CLEP Natural Sciences prep book, that will cover science part

Physics: Levers, force, relationships, pulleys, do not remember too much other than simple Newtonian physics and relationships

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

Offline Clutch450

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Re: BMST Test for Exelon question.
« Reply #6 on: Sep 21, 2015, 01:23 »
Thank you for the answers guys! 

I was in no means trying to compromise the test. I was not looking for example questions or answers. I was merely trying to get a grasp on what would be covered.

Nuclear science is a huge topic. I don't want to focus too much time on it trying to understand more in depth than what the test wants. 

But again I appreciate the responses. I test tomorrow at 9am.
I'll be sure to be back and post how it goes!

Offline HU This

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Re: BMST Test for Exelon question.
« Reply #7 on: Sep 21, 2015, 02:25 »
The test is not nuclear science. It is a general assessment of everything math and science through the equivalent of Senior year HS or perhaps Freshman year of college at most.

I took it about 4 years ago and unless its changed, its not nuclear-centric.

Offline Clutch450

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Re: BMST Test for Exelon question.
« Reply #8 on: Sep 22, 2015, 05:06 »
Just got back from testing. And I must say I psyched myself up a lot more than I needed too!

I left there feeling very confident about both. I was able to finish ever portion on the POSS within the time limits.

It's just a waiting game now. 2-3 days they said and I'll receive a call

Offline griffon

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Re: BMST Test for Exelon question.
« Reply #9 on: Sep 25, 2015, 02:55 »
As an Exelon retiree I would recommend you find a better place to work. I am very happy to be out of there.
Since Commonwealth Edison split Exelon Generating off it turned into a very different Company to work for.
Now if you can get into the Transmission and Distribution side, still Commonwealth Edison, you will love it.

Just my $.02. Take it for what it is worth.

Offline Clutch450

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Re: BMST Test for Exelon question.
« Reply #10 on: Oct 05, 2015, 02:09 »
I just wanted to put the update in here.  I passed both of my tests(BMST and POSS).  I have an interview set up for this week.  Hopefully all goes well and I am offered the position. 
All in all this has been a great learning process.  Something I'll definitely be able to reflect positively on!  ;)


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Re: BMST Test for Exelon question.
« Reply #11 on: Oct 31, 2016, 09:12 »
hey..same question here and one more - how it went??actually I haven't found many materials for practicing (mostly was using chemistry interactive activities, collegeboard practive tests, math practice tests and some physics practice quizzes) but I'm not quite sure these would help me nail the test??what materials have you used??

Offline greatbape

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Re: BMST Test for Exelon question.
« Reply #12 on: Apr 06, 2017, 12:53 »
I recently took the BMST test for Exelon the past March. ALL the information you need to know can be found on these boards. Your time would be better spent reviewing interview questions. That said, they now allow you to use a calculator which really made the test a lot easier. Out of the 90 questions about 12 I wasn't 100% sure on. Spent about half of my time on those few. Got the answer to 7 of those 12. 3 were completely foreign to me. Even if i guessed on all 12 I still don't think I would have been in danger of failing the test. Not going to bother saying what was on the test. Review the 2 or 3 threads here about it, and you should have everything you need to form a simple study guide to review.

Offline CDRForever

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Re: BMST Test for Exelon question.
« Reply #13 on: Jun 11, 2017, 11:47 »
BMST No Calculator Allowed

Be able to...

Arithmetic with no calc (long division, long multiplication, big numbers, complex fractions)
Algebra: FOIL, factoring polynomials, adding polynomials, slope stuff y=mx + b, quadratic formula
Trig: basic trig functions, right angle stuff, Pythag theorm, converting degrees to radians and back, using trig tables
Geometry: Calculating area of circle, triangle, area of a sphere, cylinder <-- know your equations, I do not remember if they are given,

Get ahold of the CLEP Natural Sciences prep book, that will cover science part

Physics: Levers, force, relationships, pulleys, do not remember too much other than simple Newtonian physics and relationships

hmm, Calculating area of a circle without a calculator.. multiplying 3.14159265 in my head, that may be a bit difficult.  But, I agree - people should be able to be able to do these with pencil and paper.


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